
I found a very interesting page involving " The International Volunteers " who fought in the Croat militia ( HVO ) in the 1990s at

If you go to the " remembrance " link it gives the names and circumstances of those foreign volunteers who were killed in action . Is it my imagination or does it seem you wre just as likely to be killed by your own side ( Brits killed by Islamic fighters , Germans killed by Tuta Grupa ) than by the Serbs ?


Interesting link. Thanks for posting it.


Also some freak accidents and several suicides.



Well, a lot of these types are scumbags - many are drug addicts or violent people who just want a taste of war. Think about it: what kind of a person would want to go to another country and kill and destroy? Such a person is NOT defending their own home, their own family, their own land, but gets involved in others' lives - and many of these mercenaries didn't even know anything or much about the Balkans before they went. Many are just opportunists or have gone from skirmish/war to skirmish - wherever there is action.

In addition, many people, including the locals/local soldiers and militants, were paranoid about spies and some of the deaths were when they thought the others were spies - and in certain cases there were some spies or mercenaries who were ultimately working for their own army (say the British, for example) and passing information onto them (because there were UN "peacekeepers" on the ground all throughout the fighting and many were from NATO countries).

There were some cases of the Muslim militants (Mujaheddin) who killed the British soldiers who were training the Muslim army because they thought they were spies.

There were also some fights over the spoils of war and money they may have come upon.

