
Why did they try to go to a Croatian controlled town through areas crawling with Croatian militia men searching and killing any Serb they find? Isn't it easier to try to go to a Serb control area, and simply never claim that the baby was a rape child?

"I'm sorry, I don't speak Monkey..."



All of the films you listed were from a foreign point of view, specifically an American one. As for the film being propaganda, perhaps that is true, but Serbs were not completely guilty nor were Croatians and Bosnians completely innocent. Besides, the film's point was not to point the finger at the opposite side but to show the human aspect of war, that everyone is affected by it in a bad way.


It was Croats who started the killings in Vukovar because they didn't like that the town was almost half Serbian.

Nothing happened to Croat homes and churches in Serbia. Croats weren't even fired from their jobs in Serbia. Serbs in Croatia were mass-fired before the war, then threatened, then their homes and restaurants/cafes were attacked - hence the barricades they started putting up.

In Vukovar it was a Croat TOMISLAV MERCEP and his men who started kidnapping and "arresting" Vukovar Serbs (early May 1991) and then torturing them in an old fall-out shelter and other places, then dumping some of their bodies in the river.

There are photographs of IDENTIFIED dead Serbs in the rivers - NONE of Croats.

Croats lost most totally army and police who were attacking Serbian homes in Croatia to chase of the Serb population. Tudjman wanted an ethnically pure Croatia and there have been tapes and transcripts were he talked about reducing the Serb population.

By the way TOMISLAV MERCEP was smuggled out of Vukovar before it fell (the Serbs had to stop the Croatian paramilitary and army which was dragging Serb civilians hiding in their cellars to kill them - there are pictures of dead Serbs, including children, IDENTIFIED which Croats killed in Vukovar.

TOMISLAV MERCEP went to do his dirty work in Gospic then.

One of his right hand men MIRO BAJRAMOVIC - came forward and admitted that he single handedly killed over 70 civilians (mostly Serbs) with his own hand, and he was responsible for even more killings.

He was just one man that Tomislav Mercep commanded and was ordering to kill Serbs.

And they did kill some Croats they suspected were spies - including women - one had been a friend of Miro Bajramovic and the guilt of her death and wanted to inform her parents where her body was was one of the reasons he came forward to tell what happened to a Croat newspaper.

Also, the Bosnian Muslims were involved in the Croatian war - they were training in Croatia too.

Croatia smuggled huge amounts of arms into Bosnia and also had officers from Croatia and brigades stated in Bosnia throughout the entire war. It was an open secret.

So Croatia did invade Bosnia - of course it got Izetbegovic's permission - but they were killing Bosnian Serbs who lived there.

Then you forget that when the Muslims and Mujahideen (foreign Muslim mercenaries) started killing Serbs, the Croats stopped some of the arms shipments from passing through Croatia to the Muslims. Much of the arms and equipment was labeled "humanitarian aid". Some of it was connected to radical Muslim networks.

Recently, there was an arrest of a Muslim officer, Nihad Bojadzic, for slaughtering Croat civilians and soldiers back in 1993. This is only the tip of the iceberg and was done after Croats recently threatened to form their own federation in Bosnia. They don't like to be in the joint Muslim-Croat "federation".



Vukovar was attacked and ruined because the Croat government didn't like the fact that it had a large Serbian population of at least 40% if not 50%.

So, the Croat police and military started creating problems for Serbs to pressure them out. They started arresting and torturing Serbs. They started blowing up Serb homes and cafes.

The Serbs formed their own defenses - road blockades and their own paramilitary to defend themselves from the Croat home invaders and killers.

Nothing of the sort happened to Croat homes in Serbia. The Serbian government and police didn't blow up their homes or churches.

Explain why no Croats in Serbia even got fired from their jobs?

The Croat government started massively firing Serbs and attacking them all over Croatia because they wanted a Serb-free Croatia.

Things got messy in Vukovar because there were a lot of Serbs to get rid of and they had enough population to fight back.

Also you had the Yugoslav army still stationed there. They for the most part did not help the Serb civilians but stayed in their barracks.

They stayed in their barracks until the Croats directly attacked them and planted mines in the roads around their barracks.

See the Croats wanted the Yugoslav army soldiers out as well as the Serbs civilians.

After a direct attack on the Yugoslav army, they'd come out and beat the Croats. After this fighting would stop but the UN and foreign diplomats would order the Yugoslav army to go back to their barracks, and they'd comply.

Then the Croats would again start murdering the civilians and then break the cease fire and attack the Yugoslav army directly.

Again the Yugoslav army would come out, defeat the Croats and the UN would call for things to stop and order the army back to their barracks.


It was start-stop-start-stop-start-stop between the Croatian forces and the Yugoslav army (remnant) stationed there.

The civilians were caught in the middle of this and subject to brutality of Croat police, soldiers and paramilitary.

Croats kept sending more and more men and mercenaries to Vukovar after each ceasefire. So by November it was a huge battle and there was a lot of street fighting.

After so many battles the town was a wreck.

And Croat made a point not to repair or rebuild the town much at all: reason being that there STILL is substantial Serb population there. So they'd prefer it a wreck.


Serbian government did not cleanse the Croat population, systematically blow up their homes, mass fire ethnic Croats, nor destroy Catholic churches. The Catholic churches are all intact.

It was the Croat government which decided to start a war to seriously reduce the ethnic Serb population or leave the towns in wreckage and neglect if their were Serbs living there or a good possibility they might return.





Here's what WE hear in western media all the time. ALL 3 sides have wanted men by the Hague tribunal and it is perfectly clear to anybody with even the tiniest sense of common sense that atrocities were commited by all waring sides in that awful conflict.

For you to come here and say that there were no croatian atrocities when some general of yours (his name eludes me for the moment) is wanted by the Hague tribunal is bs.

And I don't know which part of you find this movie pro-any side. If anything the serbs are portrayed as cruel scum killing old grandmothers and kicking pregnant girls, so I don't know how you in a thousand years find this movie "pro-serb"?

On a lighter note, THIS is also why we in the west didn't care much about that mess, because most of us had no idea who the "good guy" was, and since the Balcans always has been ravaged by regional conflict and wars throughout the centuries this one was no different.
