MovieChat Forums > Savior (1998) Discussion > I wonder if Stallone has seen this film?

I wonder if Stallone has seen this film?

I was reminded a little of this film, on the most superficial level, when watching the recent Rambo film. It's unfortunate that "Savior" doesn't more recognition ... I found it way more harrowing than Rambo could ever aim to be.


How can you compare rambo and savior for *beep* sakes?
Its the same if u would compare Shindlers list with starwars...



I bet he saw it, and if not he, then somebody involved in the production. Anyway, SAVIOR is one of the best and purest anti-war movies I have EVER seen, whereas RAMBO is of course nihilistic entertainment (although quite well made, of course).



Hm, might well be, but I watched THE SAVIOR not for historical accuracy. I was totally depressed by how those civilians suffered from the war, although I guess reality it is even more brutal. :-((

Never since ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT has any movie left me that disillusioned.



"Behind enemy lines"

Oh, come on. The ending is just ridiculous.

The best film about Bosnia is the British miniseries Warriors:


Just what kind of propaganda-blinded idiot are you? I've been reading your posts on this board for a while, and trying to keep my mouth shut, but no longer.

Read a little.
