Hello to 195649

Hello there! It's so nice to see another fan of this film and another Boguslaw Linda fan. This site doesn't get too many posters.

I love this film! It's been a few years now since I discovered it but it is still one of my favorites.

You must be Polish from the information you included in your posts.


Yes I am a Polish woman who moved to the US 7 years ago. And yes I am definitely a Boguslaw Linda's fan: Sara, Psy, Psy II, Tato, Demony Wojny Wedlug Goi, Kroll, Miasto Prywatne...Gosh!!! Need I say more? He's simply the best Polish actor. When I watched him on Wojewodzki show I was astonished of how modest he is. It's amazing and sooo great.


Thank you for your reply. I am not Polish so I have only been able to see the films that have subtitles and have been released here in the United States.

I have been able to see all the films you list plus a few more.I ws able to see Kroll but it did not have subtitles so it was pretty hard to figure out everything that was happening.

Of the films I have seen my favorite is Sara. It was the first Linda film I saw and it remains the one I like the best.

Which state did you move to? I am in Arizona


Hey there!!! (I'm in Connecticut:-)

Well, if you want me to write you down an English translation of dialogs from Kroll (or any other movie) I'm your girl;)

I listed all of those movies that I like the most...but my absolute favorite ones are Psy, Psy II, Sara and Tato (little Kasia just cracks me up with her texts)


Than you for your generous offer! I'd love to know what is being said in Kroll.

Another I have without subtitles is Sekel Must Die. Have you seen this film?



Hey scndform

Well, I've mostly scanned "Sekel Must Die" which means I've skipped many fragments. There is a couple of Linda's roles that don't "attract" me enough. I don't know if you heard but there's a Polish version of "Who's the Boss?" and Linda plays the Polish Tony Mecelli...unfortunately not very well. He's very unnatural/fake. Which is weird because it's Boguslaw Linda for crying out loud!!! Also, the project is directed by Maciek Slesicki-the same who directed "Tato" and "Sara" and still the Polish version of "Who's the Boss?" sucked. I think others thought the same way since they shot only 47 episodes...

I posted Kroll's translated dialogs on "Discuss Kroll"


Thank you so much! I'm heading for Kroll right now!

I know Linda is very active on television as well as movies but I have no way of seeing any of his television work.

I do have Quo Vadis - I heard that was originally made for television. Linda really made that film.


I think Linda decided to give TV and movies a rest for now. And I can't blame him. It seems Polish cinema limits itself to romantic comedies these days...and this is not Linda's type of movies. Don't you think?

I had to watch Quo Vadis and Pan Tadeusz:The Last Foray in Lithuania as a homework in high school. But back then I was too young and stupid to appreciate Linda's acting skills. I'm so happy I got smarter:)
