MovieChat Forums > Rosewood (1997) Discussion > Are there actually rumors going around t...

Are there actually rumors going around that Rosewood was nuked?

There's a man that my husband works with, and although I've never met him, my husband says that he's a loony. He thinks that the government is hiding so much. Not to say that the gov't doesn't hide anything, but some of the things he says to my husband are just rediculous. Well, one day he told my husband that the gov't nuked a town of blacks, in FL. He said that you can't find anything about it on the internet, but if you go to the National Archives in DC, that it'll tell you all about it. He said that he has actually read about it in the National Archives. He didn't name Rosewood as the town, but when my husband told me what he said, at first I wondered why he would make something up and challenge us to check it out in the archives. Then I got the thinking, and I remembered hearing about the story of Rosewood. Could he have possibly of meant Rosewood? Why would he have said that Rosewood was nuked? I mean, this happened like 20 years before the first A bomb was even dropped. Are there conspiracy theorists who believe this? Or is this guy just loony? What do you think?

"The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever."


I've heard many weird stories and urban myths, but this one's for the record books. Simply put there were no A bombs in ninteen twenty three and basic research didn't start till the late thirties. Rosewood was the result of low tech racism; one of many such incidents following the first world war where white mobs, often whipped up by the media, entered black communities with tragic results. Not only did this sort of thing happen in Rosewood, Oklahoma City, Birmingham and other locations in the south, but also Chicago and St Louis in the north. The Ku Klux Klan grew rapidly during this time and lynching became commonplace and not just below the Mason Dixon line. In ninteen twenty three black carnival workers, falsely accussed of sexully assulting a local teenage girl, were dragged out of a jail in Duluth, Minnesota and strung up on a lamppost in front of seventeen thousand people and the police chief of neighboring Superior, Wisconsin had all black residents rounded up and forced to leave town. There was a chian reaction in those times, but it wasn't nuclear; it was hate.
Just remember: I was as good as any and better then most-Vincent Freeman in Gattaca


It may not of been nuked but that was Tulsa Oklahoma



I was in actual Rosewood this past weekend. I have made a message for it. There really isn't ANYTHING left except the merchant's house and well. Where the town was is a fire tower now by Div. of Forestry. It is kinda sad. There's even a family living in the merchants home. That took me aback. I have pics of when I was there. If anyone would like them just let me know.


Of course, it wasn't "nuked" in the conventional sense but it was nuked in a symbolic sense. The town virtually ceased to exist and there was no one left to live there. That's basically what nuked meant in 1923. Anyway, that guy your husband talked to was nuts.
