can u beleive...

a teacher got fired for showing this film?




Most definately.


Do you remember the teacher's name and where this happened? It would be interesting to look it up to see if the story is online.


depending on the grade, yes, and he/she should have been. this is one of my favorite films, but the nature of it is such that a family should decide if their children see it, not a teacher. it is rated R for a reason, it is very brutal and horrifying. also, there are people who have questioned the historical accuracy of the film. i do not doubt it happened, and don't care if it did, because incidents like this were commonplace for centuries on this continent. but i do not believe a teacher has the right to present this film to an underage audience.

nothing to say here


I agree with cornflower to a point. Make no doubts this DID happen you shrug it off as if it were mere fiction. Thats like saying Schindler's List may be true it may not be. There were character added however the events of the burning and the mass graves were very real. If this person was teaching anything sub High school then I agree Parents should be notified, how ever kids nowadays see more violence in a video game and on prime time tv, so why be so shielding?

Don't care if it did? what do you mean by that. A lot of people say the Holocaust didn't happen, oh well if it did i don't care. How does that statement sound to you? What a horrible way of looking at human cruelty, indifference is the same as the hatred that bred such an atrocity.


poor choice of words on my part, i guess, when i said "don't care if it did." what i was trying to state was i don't care how historically accurate or inaccurate this picture is/was. honestly, i do not care if this event ever really happened, particularly in the way it was portrayed, because i have no vested interest in its legitimacy or fallacy. what i care about is that these kinds of things did happen, and it is important we address and discuss them, because it will happen again. probably not to the black population again, but look at how the arab populations in america, and the "illegal" immigrants and the homosexuals are being treated. how long before we allow this level of genocide to occur in this country again?

so i am not saying i do not care that lynchings and mass murders against black people were committed; i mean i do not care if Rosewood took certain liberties or if the entire story was an act of fiction. the theme and content are very relevant, and nobody has ever made it hurt as much as Singleton did with this film.

for those who don't understand why so many of us ball our fists and cry out in anger over these things, try this non-fiction site out for size, if you dare: if this does not break your heart, you are not human.

i'm a queer and i approve of this message



Probably a clan school...



I think this happened at Kenton Klondike Klancy High.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone
