MovieChat Forums > Rosewood (1997) Discussion > Question about Masons

Question about Masons

Are Mason still allowed the same privlages they were years ago? for examlpe bmy grandmother says that they colud go into a store and get food for free.


I don't understand how that question pertains to movie commentary, but if you would like to know, the best thing for you to do is go up to a Mason or Eastern Star and ask 1.


The white man that beat Mrs Fannie was a Mason.


No, a Mason is more likely to help someone in need (Mason or not) than get something free for himself.


I am a FreeMason (Mason). Masonry in an orginazation that helps make good men better and to watch out for our fellow man (be he mason or not). Freemasons are the base orginzation behind the Shriners (also knows as Shrine Masons). The person that says he is a "Travelling Man" in the movie is a most dispicable person and from how he is repersented in the movie I doubt that he ever could have been a mason! We do take an oath to help a brother, volations against God State or nation excepted. That means as long as you didn't offend the laws of the land or your God we could help you. If you did, then we are oath bound to turn our backs on you. We do not give stuff to other masons for free. When we see a brother he see him as a Man that like ourselfs has taken the responcibilty to Be a good man and help all those who would ask us for a hand.


Thanks Erock. I got another question for you-
My ex boyfriend claims to be a Mason-
but he was a felon and unemployed, he also didnt wear the ring?
He claims to have been going to Manson meetings-
Are chances are that he was lying?


My Dear, the chance that he was lying are extremly great. Before you can become a mason the lodge you are requesting to join does an investigation. If he were a felon there would be no chance he would get past that. Also being unemployed really would only be a probelm if he was unable to afford the fee to join and the yeary dues, and that can be expensive. But if it was found that he went from job to job that would look poorly on him and again it be hard for him to join. About the ring well although I do wear on not every Mason does. If you have any other question please feel free to ask and I will do what I can.


okay, not to belittle your organization but you are putting a lot of faith into every person that joins. My dad is a mason, and i have many friends that are masons. All of them aren't bad people or anything, but you can't honostly say that the bad guy in the movie couldn't have been a mason. you can't really say that her boyfriend isn't a mason. there are bad people involved in every organization, especially one as big as the free masons. some of the masons i know are some of the shiftiest people i have ever met. not to say that they aren't good people that conduct themselves a certain way when around their organization. i mean come on. "i doubt the guy could have been a mason." he's a human being isn't he. humans rape other humans everyday. are you saying that no masons have ever raped anyone? cause you know that that isn't true. JACK THE RIPPER WAS A MASON!!!!!! I know you won't try to denigh it because you know it's true. what your saying is impossible. it's like saying "he works for the CIA, he'll never breech security." you can say that the CIA doesn't tolerate it, but you can't say that it doesn't happen sometimes.


Im not sure if Erok literaly meant that the man could havent been a Mason. He knows he was Manson and Im sure that there are many other Mansons that do other bad things to people.


but he also told the girl that her boyfriend probably wasn't a mason... I know masons that are way sloppier than what she described. Maybe i did take it the wrong way but i don't think so.


My Friend I am not sure I states either way if he was or was not. I did say that the chances of him being a Mason were not very good and if he was a felon then yes it would be impossible. And yes there have been people in our freternity that have cast a dark shadow and itis impossible to beleive that all Masons are pillars. We do try and if someone is proven to have terrible qualities it would be up to that lodge to expel them. And as far as saying Jack the Ripper was or was not a mason. Dear sir to this day no one knows who Jack the ripper was. And I am positve (yes positive) you have no idea yourself. So you are correct in some of your statement, humans are flawed. But we do our best. Thanks for your interest.


Erock stated that there is a back ground check done during the application process... now there is no telling what one may do after that fact. For example you have to have a 3.0 to get into graduate school that doesnt mean that all graduate students perform and stay at that level.


the government did a background check on me when i got my job. All they can really check are the people you refer them to. they hope to get led to more people but if they don't nothing really comes from it. you put family members and friends on the list and nothing really comes from it unless your family hates you.

and to respond to what erock said. One of my best friends is a mason and he directly told me a lot more than what he should have about the organization. he definately told me the story about Jack the Ripper's involvement with the masons.


I am also a Freemason. I have never heard of getting anything for free just because one's a Mason. There has always been urban lore surrounding Masons that just aren't true. We do look out for one another in times of need that is true. But we do not get anything for free just because we are masons.

What i find interesting about the portrayal of masons in this movie, is the fact that the white southern mason's did not acknowledge the black masons. Except for when the white mason was in need of help. White masons still don't acknowledge black masons to this very day in the southern states of America. Although everywhere else in the world black masons are acknowledged as such.

The scene in which one black mason was about to get lynched and cried out to the fellow white mason for help was disturbing to me. He didn't recieve it. Instead he was shot and lynched. I can imagine this scenerio most likely happened a lot in the south during this time.

Masonry is about the brotherhood of everyone regardless of race or religion.


People need to watch the history channel for their special on Masons !
