The Issue Of RAPE

White men have been raping African American women ever since the first Africans set foot on American soil. 80% of African Americans have European bloodlines and the majority came from RAPE of their ancestors. Now the thing that kills me is that these white man can get all violent and crazy if a Black man even wink or look a white woman in the eye...but these same white men were having sexual relations with black women.

i just dont understand, if these "men" hated blacks soooo much why did they have sex with black women? seriously, if i hated someone i wouldnt want to be around them or have any type of relations with that person.


It's not the matter of hating someone, it's the matter of looking at them as beneath you, as an object to be used. It's the same in the case of them raping, they are using the women as a possession to accomplish a level of desired satisfaction in sexual and physical expression.


I really believe there is a gender dynamic to the issues of bigotry. In other words, I think prejudice, at least as it has existed in the United States, has been about competition for manhood.

For some men, being a man means that they have to prove they are better than any other man. They define themselves by their accomplishments and their performances, which must always be better than other men. Now, add skin color or whatever to that, and you have what has existed in America- many white men basing their manhood on black male inferiority. I think this is why black men were called "boy" and why many felt blacks didn't have the stomach for courage in combat and so on.

And of course, degrading a man also means taking his woman. Sexual assault of black women was another way to keep a man in his place. However, this goes both ways. I've heard or seen many black men who say they hate white people but desire white women.

It is interesting to contemplate how a person can be a racist and then turn around and want a woman of another color. Maybe that just shows we're not that different after all.


To bryanac625, enough said.

Never take life too seriously, no gets out alive anyway.


I can also second the idea that the gender dynamic does in fact play a role. This film is actually one of many used in studies of social politics.

For some men, being a man means that they have to prove they are better than any other man. They define themselves by their accomplishments and their performances, which must always be better than other men.
This subject is heavily explored in the field of sociology. It's not only confined to the concept that being masculine means being better than/outperforming other men, but everyone inclusively (women, children, transgendered individuals, etc)- the more people you can feel superior to, the better. An example somewhat (albeit distantly) related to this film is how the voting system in America developed. Originally, females, Blacks, and everyone not (at least) middle-aged White & male were thought/expected to have less education and overall diminished capacity, and therefore were not worthy of being given the right to influence their government in any formally recognized way. In this instance, the (White male) idea of "being a man" was all about being better educated, more worldly, and better able to make proper decisions than literally everyone who was not a White male.

And of course, degrading a man also means taking his woman. Sexual assault of black women was another way to keep a man in his place.
This is one of the ideas that (disturbingly) has failed to diminish as readily as the racial undercurrent it has been paired with. The idea that people (in this case, females) belong(ed) to a man, thereby making them a possession, thereby making them a tool to be defaced in order to effect mental distress upon the owner (a man), is still undeniably present in modern society. To me personally it's always seemed ironic that the idea/mentality of assigning (official or unofficial) ownership of an individual to another individual on the basis of race is generally considered completely wrong, but on the basis of gender, it is still considered by many to be quite acceptable.

It is interesting to contemplate how a person can be a racist and then turn around and want a woman of another color. Maybe that just shows we're not that different after all.
See, this is the difference between what we as humans tell ourselves, and what nature tells us. Society (+the individuals within it) tell us that race matters, for example, because a person is X they'll act this way, or because a person looks like X that makes some kind of difference in who they are & how you should interact with them. Human society is a system created by humans to better able them to function within large groups & survive (theoretically); this is also where racism comes from.

Nature, on the other hand, does not give a **** about race. All humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes & are therefore able to breed with each other. This means Black Female A can mate with White Male A & they can produce offspring. Same thing with a Black Male and a White Female. A large part of (box sexual & non-sexual) attraction is based off of biochemical & hormonal reactions that occur within the body. For the most part, these biochemical reactions cannot be controlled, thereby enabling individuals with prejudices against each other to be attracted to one another despite the fact that their "higher brain" tells them they're arbitrarily supposed to hate each other's guts.


Oh my, let's see:

"This subject is heavily explored in the field of sociology."

Which is a pile of *beep*

"Originally, females, Blacks, and everyone not (at least) middle-aged White & male were thought/expected to have less education and overall diminished capacity"

And it isn't true today?

"This is one of the ideas that (disturbingly) has failed to diminish as readily as the racial undercurrent it has been paired with. The idea that people (in this case, females) belong(ed) to a man,"

From wikipedia:

"The charge was inflammatory in the South: the day before, the Klan had held a parade and rally of over 100 hooded Klansmen 50 miles (80 km) away in Gainesville under a burning cross and a banner reading, “First and Always Protect Womanhood”."

What's the deal about ownership again?
And why such stupidity happens:

"Nature, on the other hand, does not give a **** about race."

haha nature gives us race you moron.

"All humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes & are therefore able to breed with each other."

So people with down's syndrome aren't humans for you?

And with your knowledge of bio-chemistry do you not get that male competition might play some part in the men's efforts at besting at other men(and women and children, though it's women and children who try to compete against them and not the other way round).
Oh the greatness of selective academic amnesia.


Dude- you're citing Wikipedia.


WKKK was not dreamt up by wikipedia. The suffragetes were not noble women. The idea of manhood, competing for women is not merely men's own folly, it's fuelled by women.

"They define themselves by their accomplishments and their performances"

If 'they' is women here, would you find a fault with it?

"Human society is a system created by humans to better able them to function within large groups & survive"

Society is the women collective, build for their survival; if you understand this simple concept you won't have to build complex air castles. Women as men's possessions is one of the stupidest and disingenuous meme spread by the feminist movement. The mendacity of comparing them with slaves is absolutely disgusting.

Anyway, the stupidity of this thread can be gauged by rape statistics by race, and the real statistic of how many AA have "european bloodlines".

"seriously, if i hated someone i wouldnt want to be around them or have any type of relations with that person."

cue the laughter of women who love to sleep with the men they hate. The OP needs to go out more. Or at least read columns by women who gleefully talk of how nice men finish last and they can't resist the jerks they meet.
Sexual attraction isn't a choice.


and you can google for its relations to modern feminism.


Rape is not always an action that is done to show attraction for that person. It is often done to make that person feel lower than what they really are. The rape of most African American women was another form of hate. To show that they were less of a human being and how disposable and the lack of control that they possessed.

Nobody can give you freedom. If your a man you take it. Malcolm X


Lol at the implication that rape isnt about hate. Just, lol.
