MovieChat Forums > RocketMan (1997) Discussion > The Flesh, it burns... where from?

The Flesh, it burns... where from?

When Fred and the others are on the shuttle and getting ready for hibernation, they go down the ladder to where the hibernation chambers are. Fred slides down the ladder and says 'the flesh, it burns!' Does anyone know where that line comes from? It sounds like something that should be obvious, like a well-known horror movie. I can't place it.


I know, it does seem like it should be from something famous, but all I'm coming up with on google is a bunch of people quoting it from Fred Randall. lol

"Get busy livin, or get busy dying. That's damn right."


I don't know, I remember him saying it again when he uses the microwave.

What happens when he's your Prince Charming, but you aren't his Cinderella?


I caught 'Rocketman' on TV a few days back and Randall does say this twice.
A slight correction, though, was that he first said it while microwaving some food. The second time was when sliding down the railing, trying to be like Julie. I'm not sure why I forgot about the microwaving.


I could totally see it being from a LoTR book. That's totally the way Gollum would speak, plus, Fred Randall being a totally geek has probably read every LoTR book over and over.

"Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes."


Doesn't Gollum say something like that when the elven rope touches his neck? It might be from the original Tolkien text, which would mean that it might have been an allusion to LOtR by Fred...


Naw, Gollum screeches, "It hurts us!" and a whole bunch of crap about how much he hates elves. Maybe Fred just says random stuff. You've seen what he's like, doesn't he just seem the type to wail, "The flesh, it burns!" when he's in pain?

Oh, and by the way, paqmanbiker, being literate and reading doesn't make you, and I quote, "a totally geek." Judging by the poorness of your syntax, I'd say it's likely that you rarely, if ever, crack open a book. Perhaps you should read a bit more in order to familiarize yourself with the correct grammar of the language you seem to be struggling to speak. Terrible diction will bring you no respect, no matter how relevant or deep the meaning is behind what you are saying.



You lost respect from *me*, Mooster. You need to calm the hell down, capiche? You don't need to pretend that you're a third grade teacher, for Christ's sake. ^^;


it's from The Exorcist


Omg wow! Duh, I don't know why I couldn't remember that at the time. I can clearly see that scene now though, thanks!

"Get busy livin, or get busy dying. That's damn right."


oh, I always just figured that it was some reference to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, because of the whole electric ladder in the Nautalis thing
