DVD Complaint

I saw this movie in the theatres and I remembered liking it and I never really thought about it later, but then I happened across it at best buy one day when I had a $50 gift card to burn so I picked it up. I've watched it once or twice since then but last night I started it and fell asleep. Today when I go to pick up where I left off I realize there are no chapters. The whole movie is not only in fullscreen but its in one chapter. Is this David Lynch's Rocketman?


Well, apparently, even though it is a Disney movie, it probably was made-for-TV and probably somewhat low budget. Typically movies like this don't get a very good transfer over to DVD. Although not even making chapters is just being lazy. I could probably make the chapters for crying out loud! It takes maybe 20 minutes at most.


Hey I never noticed that before either. They don't have special features either which I can live without there are some movies I've seen before that don't but to not even add Chapters? Sheesh!


"it probably was made-for-TV and probably somewhat low budget"

No, this was released in theatres.
