MovieChat Forums > RocketMan (1997) Discussion > 100 things we learned from RocketMan

100 things we learned from RocketMan

100. Always enter the calculations using what we like to call-The Right Way
99. Ulysses is a chimp, not a monkey
98. The earth looks like a giant blueberry

There IS NO CAROL in HR!


97. On the Martian surface, you can open your spacesuit and remove your shorts without decompressing yourself.

96. If you have very bad gas, the spacesuit actually expands.

95. Spacesuits on Mars don't have a lot of insulation and padding, unlike the bulky suits the Astronauts wore when they walked on the Moon.

94. Astronauts carry extra hoses with them in case one of the Astronauts has an Oxygen tank malfunction on their suit.

93. Astronauts on Mars and Mission Control can talk in real time with one another.


92. Bud's hunches...apparently about as useful as dental floss at a Willy Nelson concert.

91. A computer programmer can handle more Gs than a highly-trained astronaut.

90. Gefilte fish and anchovy paste are an excellent staple of any astronaut's diet.



78. Randal has to go tinkle

77. Julie does a great old yeller impression

76. Getting flushed out of the shuttle happens all the time

75. Randal can sing perfectly in french, german and chinese

74. it takes 5 minutes to save the world

73. Its really impossible to get 4 barrels of gun poweder, a machete, a goat skin and a guide that speaks hutu in space

72. It wasnt randal

71. The cafeteria lady bumped Randal into Buzz

70. Its not a good idea to eat a liverwurst and head cheese sandwich before a centrifuge test
