where's the dvd????

Can anybody tell me why this movie is not out on dvd yet.This film is pretty
darn good. I own it on vhs but it's one of them "previosly viewed" videos. This
isn't John hughes' best, but it deserves a dvd treatment. anybody agree?



Better get in line pal, other people has the HOTS for her too! Anyway there
better be DVD of this film. It's one of my favorite movies. VCR's are flippin'

"the next time I have to come in here, I'm cracking skulls!"

p.s.I wish you and Brooke the best.




I agree. If it was out on DVD, I'd definately buy it.

It's a shame... I guess it just doesn't have enough trendy actors in it, enough action scenes and/or pointless sex scenes. Typical.



I wish someone would put a rush on it! This movie is kind of a "sleeper" most people don't know about, but is definitely worth watching---i feel over and over again, which is why I want the DVD. The dude who plays "Robin" is HOTTTT!


Good news: The film was never released on dvd, BUT you can get it on vcd. I just ordered it on www.allvcd.com for $17.50 (including shipping)!!!


VCD quality is bad. I have very good (widescreen) digital recording and would do a perfect DVD for myself.



Would you mind sharing the very good (widescreen) digital recording you have. I would really appreciate it, as I have not been able to get it in digital formal anywhere. You can reply here or email me at [email protected]


its absence is most likely not due to lack of interest, but because of some kind of rights issues. it was distributed by gramercy, and i dont think gthey exist anymore...when that happens, the question of ownership of the films under that imprint sometimes falls into dispute...and it becomes even more confused when there are lots of popular songs involvved. that is probably the reason, not some vast hollywood conspiracy to subvert anything that isn't expensive or, uh, whatever.


I would buy it on DVD too. It's a really good movie.


I bought the DVD on ebay, I think it was from Spain. Worth getting even though it is only i 4:3, you can watch it in English with no foreign subtitles. Great film, needs a better release!!!
