
This is seriously the most boring movie that has ever existed. That is all.


Well done.


just watched it 5 min ago and don't agree. The film is not exactly a real true to life legal drama but blends the legal themes with emotional drama quite well. It is not a classic but better than watching "World Bowls Extra" .



"This is seriously the most boring movie that has ever existed..." -OP

You make me laugh. Most boring? I beg to differ!
These films are at the top of the Most Boring Movie list:
1. The English Patient
2. I Dreamed of Africa
3. The Notebook
4. A Convenient UnTruth

for the complete list, visit


Boring? So go back to watching movies based on comic-book heroes, That should be about your speed.

I don't know the age of the original poster or those who agreed with him, but I would bet he was early twenties at the most.

Young people today get bored if there is not a lot of action; by "action" I don't necessarily mean car chases and explosions (although that certainly helps)...I mean fast track editing where the images change every three or four seconds. Think The Bourne movies - especially the last one in the trilogy.

The younger generation has been brought up watching MTV...this kind of editing is so ubiquitous to the movie video that Madison Avenue realized long ago that young people's ATTENTION SPAN has decreased to the point that a TV commercial - which used to be a story lasting a minute, had to be brought down to 15 seconds, and include flash-by images to grab (and keep) the (younger) viewer's attention.

There are two results:
a)the music industry suddenly became all about the video...and the music suffered. Now the "artist" has to be visually attractive and buff... if Janis Joplin showed up today it isn't sure she'd even get a contract! Amy Winehouse is the exception, not the rule. Ever watch one of the American Idol-So You Think You Can Dance TV shows? They are as much about the flashing lights, the camera angles - and the reaction-shot - as it is about the performer. Go to YouTube and watch Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin or The Rolling Stones on Ed Sullivan... you could hear the screams, but there were NO reaction-shots for Presley or Janis, and ONE 2-second one during the song by Jagger (but only when he wasn't actually singing)...In other words the focus was on the entertainer. Today, it is all about the audience, the judges, and only half of the song gives you visuals of the actual singer!

b)The younger set cannot watch a movie that takes its time and develops character, place, atmosphere. The younger set wants ALL of this projected onto the screen within the first 5 minutes and then wants the story to develop at a clip that is also visually arresting. Any scene where the camera doesn't move - or the scene get edited into quick flash images - is going to seem "boring".

They'll LOVE Matrix, hate (or fall asleep during) The Station Agent; they'll LOVE Spiderman, hate (or nod off during)Schindler's List.

Boring? The fault is not necessarily in the movie, but in the person watching.
