MovieChat Forums > Primary Colors (1998) Discussion > Operates under the false assumption that...

Operates under the false assumption that Dems are better

Not just better for the country, but the true party OF the country. It further serves to demonize the GOP. I'm not surprised because it's Hollywood's creation, it's just annoying.

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The Son-of-a-Bush has proved that the Democrats are infinitely better, what outfit could possibly be worse than that bunch of crooks?


every time you vote Republican, God kills a kitten

Yeah? Well you're with you, honey. That's never a good time.


Good one, Tickerage.

I always wish that, after W stole the election with the help of his right wingers on the Supreme Court in 2000, we just split up into two countries....The Red States and The Blue States. I have no use for most Southerners and any other dumb-fu*k Republicans. They're evil, they're fascists, they're stupid, they're religious fanatics, they're money-grubbing pigs who love to see the economic divide grow wider and wider, they don't believe that there's anything wrong with healthcare or the environment in this country, and they're completely close-minded. That's just for starters.

I HATE living in the same country with psycho American Republicans. Europe's "conservatives" are sometimes more liberal than our own liberals....In America, we have nothing but completely fascist psychopaths for Republicans, or idiot "middle-of-the-road" wishy-washy-with-no-backbone-for-anything moderates who stand for nothing ...they're useless as well, since they never get anything done in this country.


Just because you dislike Bush, or even if you were ABSOLUTLY RIGHT that Bush is a bad president, that does not mean that the republican party is worse than the democratic party. Also since Bush is far from a Republican and more of a RINO (Republican in Name Only) that statement falls flat. I could make the same argument about democrats like Johnson, Carter, and even Clinton.

Let's have a REAL discussion not hit and run posts about how evil you think Bush is.

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Actually, the Republican party's steadfast support of Bush makes them as bad as he is. I've never seen anyone call Bush a RINO before -- usually that term is used for Republicans who aren't supportive of positively all Bush's policies.

You know that too, right? C'mon, no one with the beliefs you pretend to espouse would make the above mistake.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, troll IMDB!


Obama and his bunch of crooks and liars


Yep the failed Clinton years that lead to the illegal immigration problems (NAFTA) the 9/11 plot that was planned under the weak Clinton admn because he was too busy getting his knob slobbed and bombing Kosovo. Carter's failed presidency and his "conversation" with Hamas, FDR's failed New Deal that laid the foundation for the failed Social Security, and other entailments of today. Work Relief that did nothing for the economy. Yes, liberal policies are much better.

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Nixon also ended the Vietnam war (started by Democrats) he got SALT 1 passed, he got peace with China and opened markets with them, and also made peace with the USSR. Failed war on drugs? Maybe, but he succeeded at many other things. Reagan's Star Wars program would have worked had it not been for huge opposition from the simple minded dems, still his plan lead the Soviets to over spend, his military build up also made them spend themselves into collapse. History has yet to judge the war in Iraq. A war that ended within months, removed a brutal regime seems pretty successful. I'm not a supporter of the war, but I'm also not a pessimist defeatist that will label this a loss either. We've lost a little over 4,000 troops in 5 years the country has a gov't, a constitution, a standing army which is more than we did in 11 years after our independence. Perhaps GWB was wrong, or perhaps history will judge him as a forward thinking genius. Lincoln was hated in his own time for the Civil War, McKinley was bashed for the Spanish American War, and Wilson was hated for WWI. Today these men are held up as heroes, (Wilson was an idiot though, he gave us the IRS and laid the foundation for the crap UN with his stupid League of Nations).

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Hm. Historical debate aside for a moment, I think the film is not so much trying to be a platform for the Democratic Party so much as it's trying to tell a story that might be about the Clintons and their supporters. It proposes that this character Stanton is in spite of all his flaws the most likely candidate to win. It's an interesting story about how this might have happened. Since the character is a Democrat it focuses on that. However if you notice it doesn't even have any Republican characters, and in fact only focuses on the other Democratic candidates on tv spots for the most part. The focus is almost entirely on Governor Stanton and his entourage.


Poe, you just said what I was about to say. The OP is being foolish...there are VIRTUALLY NO REPUBLICAN characters in the film. Therefore, you can't really say it demonizes them. If anything, the film exposes the flaws, weaknesses, and corruptions among the Democratic candidates.

Has the OP even seen the movie? If he/she has, I challenge them to point out a scene that makes them the villains of the piece. The whole film is about the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. A film about the general election would provide ample opportunity for demonizing the right, but this wasn't that film.

The whole point of PRIMARY COLORS is to show that politics is a dirty, often fraudulent business, and that we sometimes must swallow that fact if we are to get anything accomplished.

The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.


Apparently YOU didn't see the movie. I realize that there were no republicans in the movie, but their mention was constant and always in a negative light. "fight the good fight then see a republican win" that's one of the lines (while paraphrased) of the movie. THe movie takes this self righteous stance that democrats are the better party for the country, because God forbid a republican wins.

Stantan was a flawed politician and the movie pushes the point that he lost his way, that his early hippy liberal days were his "pure" days and he was lost in the political game. I could change my statement to read that the movie operates under the false assumption that LIBERALS are better. But I would be splitting hairs.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


"Apparently YOU didn't see the movie. I realize that there were no republicans in the movie, but their mention was constant and always in a negative light. "fight the good fight then see a republican win" that's one of the lines (while paraphrased) of the movie. THe movie takes this self righteous stance that democrats are the better party for the country, because God forbid a republican wins."

You're really reaching here, because LargeStuffedWolf was right, there were no examples. This was a story told about a Democratic candidate seeking the Democratic nomination, and them making mention of preferring a Democrat in office over a Republican was offensive to you?



No.. the country is sick of Liberals. Except you good people on both coasts.

Didn't Hillary do her best to keep your common man BO down ??

I keep trying to get ahead, but at every step some Liberal politicians demand I "give back" half of everything I have so that they can keep buying their idiot voters with my money.
Isn't that keeping the common man down ???

Of course the likes of a Kennedy of Jay Rockefeller don’t give a damn cause they inherited their money and dont pay income taxes on it.

Economy gone to hell ???
And just who do you think has controlled both the House and the Senate the last 2 years ???
Do you remember Pelosi saying in 2006 "vote us in and gas WILL go down" ?
Of course you don't, your a Liberal, your memory is selective or non-existent.

Congress has more control over the economy then the President does. Or did they not teach you that in your Liberal public school ?

Liberals: they most open minded & tolerant people you will meet... as long as you AGREE with them. Otherwise, look out. You'll see how they vent their hatred.

Just look at Bodhisattva_PBSurfing's posts.

In most of them he's spitting venom in all directions, calling people names, and insulting everyone else's intelligence because he is a smarter and morally superior Liberal.

As most Liberals I've known, they are an angry and bitter group, jealous of anyone else succeeding. "They must have cheated", or "they must have a connection to GW" etc.

Sorry Bodhisattva_PBSurfing that the acting career hasn't worked out...

I just wish i was there to see your face when BO loses in November. Heck, that is even if he survives the Clinon Death List and is on the ballot...




Pointless wars ?

You mean like Vietnam, started by a Democrat, and ended by a Republican ?

"The most intollerant people in the country ?"

If you knew the meaning of TRUE conserservatism ( not today's RINOS ), it is a "live and let live" philosophy, as long as your activities dont cause harm to others.
As today's Republicans long abanded that thinking is why we now vote LIBERTARIAN - the principals this country was founded on...

If you want to see INTOLERANCE, read any Democratic website such as , DailyKAOS, etc. etc. etc.
Or any pronouncement coming out of the Democratic National Committee for that matter...

"Do as I SAY, not as I DO" is pretty much the whole mantle of Democartic philosophy. Which would explain Al Gore flying around the world in his private jet telling us to put away our SUV's. ETC. !



Republicans better for the country? HA!

Nixon"'s Watergate politics began the Republican attack on Constitutional values. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld continued to destroy those Constitutional values, and meantime also made sure that the rest of the world began to really turn against America as well. When 9/11 happened, Iran (!!!) actually had street candle-light ceremonies to honour the dead Americans. After the false Weapons of Mass Destructon, the phoney and illegal attack on Iraq, the hundreds of thousands killed, the world was no longer feeling sorry for Americans. Add to that the trillion dollar debt from the war - I fail to see how ANY of this did ANY good for the country, not to mention the world.

Tomorrow will be the election of either Obama or McCain; just as in Primary Colours, we can see the use of negative campaign ads and character assassination attempts - but in reality coming almost TOTALLY from the Republican side. Divide the nation and conquer is the Republican hymn . Instead of talking issues that really matter, they go on endlessly about "values", as if they understood what decent values actually are! Following Carl Rove's techniques, they brand Obama as a friend of terrorists and a socialist. Lies and insinuation become more important than policies! Meanwhile Palin rabble-rouses to the point where someone yells out about Obama "Kill him!". and no-one even upbraids this person for saying this!
They keep mentioning Barak HUSSEIN Obama to make people think he is a Muslim, until McCain is finally forced (on camera) to admit that this isn't true. Is this dignified? Is it decent? Is it reasonable? Is it respectful of the opposition or the American people's intelligence? Hardly!

Reagan and Reaganomics was the beginning of the loss of buying power for the middle class. From Reagan onwards, the middle class has been losing ground to the point where it is absolutely necessary in most households for BOTH parents to work... how does THIS improve "family values"?
Bush's tax deductions for the richest Americans just continued the rout. Add to that Bush's 700 Billion bailout of the bankers on Wall Street - who THEN went ahead and gave their CEO's and top managers bonuses is going to take three generations to recover from Bush's economically disastrous policies.

Yes, tell us more, oh Jesus freak, of how GOOD the Republicans have been for the USA...
If there is a god, and he is decent, Obama will win tomorrow, the Republicans will be chased out of both Houses, the Supreme Court will avoid being totally taken over by Republican neocons... and the rebuilding of America just MIGHT begin to happen. Obama will close down Guantanamo, he will stop illegal torture of prisoners, he will bring back Habeus Corpus, he will (hopefully) release Omar Khadr - a child soldier who was illegally held in Guantanamo for 6 years without trial, and was tortured to boot. He might FINALLY begin to earn the respect of other nations - a respect that Bush's eight year reign squandered almost totally. The entire WORLD is hoping for an Obama Presidency. That muqst tell you SOMETHING of how Republicans are seen in this world - even in countries which have chosen right-wing parties for their own government (e.g. France) , they don't want to see McCain win this election!

Jesus would WEEP if he saw what Bush has made of this country! Obama might just maybe be able to repair some of the damage.


I cried at Obama's acceptance speech and was delighted to see my faith in America restored.

"Americans can be trusted to do the right thing... after having first explored all other alternatives" - Winston Churchil (the well known Liberal)

"I'm agnostic except when I doubt myself." - me



I cried too, but for different reasons...

I cried for the future of this country,
which his gross spending is proving me right.



pogostiks = weak ass left winger.

John McCain is an honorable man, but You cant be honorable and be an effective politician.


I have to agree with others that you're reaching on this interpretation. The film is purely about Democrats; to the extent that anybody exhibits venality, it's always a Democrat. If I recall correctly, we never even see a Republican in the film.

Occasionally, of course, the characters talk about the Republicans. As you point out, Henry is sick of fighting the good fight and then watching a Republican win. Libby reminds Jack of his statement that "If it's clean, then we win, because our ideas are better." To this I say: What did you expect? Democrats certainly don't sit around saying "Golly gee, those Republicans sure are better people than us, and they have such great policies," and I'm sure that GOP opinions of Democrats are equally unfavorable. Of COURSE these people want to beat the Republicans in the fall; they wouldn't be Democrats otherwise. Again, though, we NEVER see any Republicans in this film, evil or otherwise. Compare it to "The American President" (in which the GOP IS actually and actively demonized), and you'll see why your claim against "Primary Colors" just doesn't really make sense.


Sorry, but the original post makes little sense. If anything, this movie portrays Democratic politicians in a bad light. The only honest people seem to be the campaign workers and the supporters who ultimately represent all of the American people.

The original poster has sadly become too partisan to see correctly. Whoever you are, original poster, please remember this is OUR country, not the politicians'. In the end, the movie shows Stanton telling the black campaign manager "you gotta be with me," an implication that the "people" have to settle for what they perceive as the lesser evil!

How you can see this as an indictment of the Republican PArty is beyond me. The film is an indictment of politicians as a whole that features Democratic politicians. Just be glad they left the Republicans out of the movie.



The OP just wants to remind everyone how far Republicans actually have their poles shoved up their respective behinds. Feckless, blinkered Philistines, the lot of them.

Action is the enemy of thought.


Firstly, The movie is about a democratic primary to nominate someone to face the republicans in the general election. Of course it is going to carry the tone of us vs. them with "us" being better for the nation. If it was about the GOP primary it would the "them" being better for the nation.

It wouldn't be very interesting to see people running for a position that they believe their opponent is ultimately better suited for. "Fight the good fight just so a much more qualified and better Republican wins!"

Finally the movie is set in 1992 a time when the general public had soured on conservative policies. By the same token if we did a movie about the 1980 GOP primary it would appear the film makers were working on the assumption Republicans are better.

FTR I vote third party.


This topic is funny. dems are better, just look at Bush. No repubs are better, looks at what the dems block.

I've come to find the party not in power is better, which means get ready for the GOP to become the better party. They were the better party in 93, when they took over the house. However under Bush, with control of both the house and senate (at times), and with the executive branch, they as usual got corrupted. Now the dems are about to have even more power then the gop ever had at any point during Bush's years. So sorry to say, but I predict they too will become completely corrupt allowing for what some say is the dead party to once again take control.

Outside that however overall I find the party that is better depends on its level. Nationally I would put the dems a tad bit better. They really don't help the working class as they say, but unlike the GOP, atleast they don't help the rich as much.

States is a draw. Some states the gop is better, some states the dems are better.

Locally I find the GOP the better party. This view is ofcourse slanted thanks inpart to so many of our urban governments run by corrupt democratic machines. Democrats on this level have destroyed many us cities over the last 50 yrs.


A christian republican...Lol

I love Jesus to man, but I am not gonna be a tool and go along with the republican party and I feel very strongly that dems are better.




What a laughable post, on the part of the OP. The title is a dead giveaway. He'd much prefer a movie that makes the false presumption that Republicans are better. And, that's true, at least in one regard. They're better at looking out for themselves. It's just taking care of the American people that the fail so miserably at. Now, give them a good war to start, or some rich Wall Street tycoons to glad hand, or some corporate welfare to dole out, and they take the brass ring, every single time.

"Hobson, I'm going to take a bath." "I'll alert the media."


This film could have used a scene where Governor Jack Stanton praises a former Ku Kux Klansman who has just died. The departed Klansman could be a guy who, as a West Virginia U.S. Senator (and member of Stanton's party), later voted for government-sponsored health care, as proposed by Stanton.

I'd love hearing John Travolta's character eulogize the former KKK leader/recruiter by saying: "I'll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollers of West Virginia, he was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something he shouldn't have done, and he spent the rest of his life making it up."

That would make this film so very realistic! And he'd be serious, too!


I am a Republican, but more a Libertarian and perhaps a moderate as well. I am also a Born-Again Christian, which is a coincidence. I value a different form of Republicanism than what is being practiced currently, closer to George Washington (Whig Party, similar values), Abraham Lincoln (father of the Republican Party) and Barry Goldwater.

I am a bit dissillusioned with Republicans right now, and actually do favor some Democrat policies and their policymakers. Though a Republican, I did vote for President Obama. He seemed a better choice for America than McCain, and I think that he's done better than McCain would have. I feel that he is doing the best that he can with what he's got to work with: a stubborn, rich-centric big business focused "we don't care about Americans" House, divided against itself by the Tea Party, who seem to exploit those of us who have a sincere faith in God.

Democrats seem to be more Republican than Republicans right now...

However, as far as the film is concerned, I don't think that it glorifies Democrats. It came out at a time when the Dems were led by President Clinton, who to his credit served 2 terms and did manage to balance the budget, as a result (in part) of his willingness to compromise and work with Newt Gingrich and the Republicans. The former Comptroller General under Bush verifies this. And love him or hate him, a time of prosperity was enjoyed under his presidency and a balanced budget with surplus cash and a 10-year plan to maintain it was handed to Bush.

The film actually shows elements of the dark side of Democrats practicing politics, and takes healthy stabs at the Clinton presidency. It criticizes the reality of the evils that enable a candidate to win an election.

It really didn't glorify the Democrat party - I would argue that "West Wing" glorified the Democrats far more effectively. After all, with the exception of his One Big Lie, who wouldn't want a great president like the one portrayed by Martin Sheen? The guy was honorable, loved people, cared about his job... sometimes our real leaders don't seem to measure up to the fictional ones.

I think that it's a weak argument to say that the film favors Democrats. It's a safer bet to say that it criticizes the political process that wins elections. It's very cynical, really. It tells us that politicians are lying, philandering, cheaters who care more about winning elections than serving the constituents that they represent. And it used the Democrats to paint this picture, NOT the Republicans...

BTW, I believe that a great Christian man and underrated, over-criticized former president was Jimmy Carter. He was uncompromising to a fault, held to his moral convictions as a Christian, helped forge a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt... all that and managed to be a Democrat. How could a Christian be a Democrat? :-) Probably because many of Jesus' teachings actually underlie (if not deliberately) some of the Democrat's philosophy. Just read your bible, Jesus DID NOT condemn the sinners that he healed, he condemned the LEADERS of his day, who to our shame, look a lot like us Republicans!

That said, I do remain a hopeful Republican. Not all true Republicans hate homosexuals, love only rich white people, want a greater divide between rich and poor... just ask Ron Paul... and some of us genuinely want to help provide a free market where poor and middle income earners can gain an education, build a successful career or business, and continue worshipping God (or not) as we choose. And that wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?

