The injured foot??

What was the deal with having Pre injure his foot while having relations? Didn't he actually hurt his foot while trying to jump down into a pool or something? I don't see why it was necessary to make this change. If the movie is based on a real person, there is no need to change such details. IMO, it doesn't really add anything to the movie. Pretty shameful really.


Kenny Moore and Robert Towne are implying that the diving board acident was fabricated for the press. They couldn't have told reporters that reason he was injured was because he was nailing some girl. Moore was actually at that meet, so he might know the real reason and not the one the press is led to believe.


My understanding is that the injury was really at the swimming pool.

But Towne and Moore have two hours to tell the entire story of Pre's life. So they have to collapse events and characters.

To make the point about Pre's womanizing ... the told an "over the top" story with the gymnast. It didn't really happen but it does two things at one time. It shows Pre's liking to random women and more importantly it tells the true story of Pre running with his foot in stitches and bleeding.


Thanks, guys.


Thank God for that. How disappointing would it have been without that scene with Amy Jo Johnson.
