Ivy's name

This is for whoever saw the first "Poison Ivy". In "Poison Ivy 3", in the beginning, their mother Rebecca tells her two daughters to go upstairs and she calls Ivy, Ivy lol. In the first "Poison Ivy" that girl she just met GAVE her that name, so Ivy wasnt originally her name in the first place, yet her mom called her by that name when she was young (when that wasnt even her real name).... hmm? lol


It's funny when I first seen "Poison Ivy :2 Lily", I was thinking the same thing. I know the pictures and diary belong to Ivy but I didn't see why it had Ivy on it. In the first one Cooper says, "So what is your real name?", Ivy says, "I like Ivy." This means noone else called her Ivy. Then I thought well maybe Ivy calls herself Ivy. So then I see "Poison Ivy: The new seduction", and I see their mother calls her Ivy. The only thing I could think of was how dumb are people. But I guess what they would tell you is that her family calls her Ivy as well. Which I don't think is so, because Cooper got the name by looking at her (at the time, fake tattoo)of the cross and Ivy written on it. So I agree with you.

"I don't want to be lonely, I just want to be alone." -Silverchair





Well Chris, I have to tell you that I didn't like the sequels. I guess if your a big fan of the actress in them you should see them, or if you are still a huge fan of the first like I am. Then maybe you should see them, but no they were not as good as the first, and no Cooper is not in or even talked about in the sequels. Jen

"We'll make it up to you in the year 2000." -Silverchair




I think her name just should've been Ivy altogether.


I know, spare all of that difficulty...


My boyfriend and I were watching this tonight after I hadn't seen it since I was 11. I was explaining that plot hole to him.
But, I like to see if I can think my way around plot holes. Theoretically, one could say that Ivy was her real name. Then, that's why she got the stick on tattoo (not, as she said, that it reminded her of life and death, or maybe for both reasons). Cooper just throws it out there, accidentally and coincidentally getting it correct, and Ivy goes with it for her own personal amusement.
But non theoretically, it's an Earth sized plot hole :)


I was just going to write the same thing before I got to your post, and I thought that the Ivy tattoo could have very easily come from her fasination with her name, or even more a nickname that no doubt her mother would have come up with but at least would have known about it. I don't think Ivy was going to correct anything anyone said to her or about her, because confirming information gives the person that you give it to power.


What confuses me is that its the other sister whose name is Ivy and as a child she's the more cynical of the two so you would expect her to be the one to grow up in the main title role. And she's blond too just like the adult Ivy.
