MovieChat Forums > Playing God (1997) Discussion > Great portrayl of a drug addict!!

Great portrayl of a drug addict!!

When David Duchovney is coming off of his addiction to Pain Medication, I just want to say that he did a FANTASTIC job off showing how bad it is when you come off them. I was in a car wreck three years ago and I became severly addicted to Percocet and Lortab, now that I'm cleaned up and I watched that movie it totally reminded me of the AGONY of coming off of Opiates. Anybody thinking about or already addicted to Pain Medication should watch this film, it will help you see the HELL you will go through.


Watch Requiem for a Dream (might wanna have some tissues handy or somethin) or Trainspotting. Those show the intensity of detox better than any film I've seen.
music videos I've made^


Requiem for a Dream is probably one of the worst films of all time.


pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


The scene was pretty fake, and medically inaccurate, but he would throw the liquor as it would make him sick since your body cant metabolize alcohol right during opiate withdrawal. Ive quit heroin, methadone and suboxone so i know what im talking about.
If you want to see a realistic portrayal of heroin withdrawal, watch hairkut. a doc about some guys taking their friend out to a cabin to kick dope, though they don't ween him off of it AT ALL after an over up to 200$ a day habit so it is a BRUTAL as hell kick.
