Aniston's clothing

Anyone else think that Aniston was dressed by some costume designer who hated women? Her dresses were way too small for her, making her short legs look kind of stocky. They also revealed her less than ample bosom and constantly looked in danger of falling off. She looked terribly uncomfortable and kept tugging at her bodice in hopes of keeping the dress on. In one scene, her breasts are almost entirely bared while she is leaning over to talk to Mohr. I'm all for bare breasts (and just about bare anything) provided the actress doesn't look like she has a gun to her head to show them


I didn't think that. I heart boobs!



Dang I haven't seen this movie in years! I gotta check it out again if there is that much cleavage!



No doubt? *Car screeches to nearest video store*



Whoo! Another tittilating movie to watch? Thanks man! I am sure to have my "hands full" tonight, if you know what I mean.....



Will do!


i thought that was done on her character was supposed to be flighty and irrosponsible- in other words not 'corporate' like her collegues. they therefore gave her stupid clothes that showed her as young, free and single.


i agree, and maybe JA's tugging on her dress all the time signaled her character being unconfortable or unsure of what she was wearing or something


So true! Aniston's character is "flighty & irresponsible," "young, free and single." Since she is so focused in HERself and HER career, she is incapable of truely understanding other people's feelings/thoughts. Anniston's character was numb to her mother's feelings about meeting her fiance. Plus she was numb and dumb to Nick's true feelings for her. This insensitivity to life correlates with her single-tracked mind.

Her character only sees things that are on the surface. For example, Anniston's character thought that Nick's job was meaningless. Thankfully, Nick's clear explanation of the joy and thrill he receives from doing his job opened her eyes to the meaning of life. Also, she was attracted to Sam for only his good looks, and obviously not for his inner beauty.

Quite frankly, I liked Anniston's wardrobe in this movie. Her clothing may not have been your typical, plain business attire, but I thought it was actually cute, trendy, chic, and sexy. Most of the young business women I know, that can actually afford to buy expensive designer clothing, would wear clothing that is quite similar to Anniston's wardrobe in the movie.

Her clothing represents the younger generations. Just remember that clothing and styles are forever changing. For example, many nurses no longer wear their white hats and uniforms. The old fashion business suits & dresses will eventually change too.


Wow, I can safely say that I was not analyzing Anniston's wardrobe as carefully as you were, but I do remember thinking to myself that her wardrobe in the film was a little on the drab side, with the exception of that dress she wore to the Guulden's launch party. She looked amazing in that dress.


Good-lord! She looked AMAZING in that green dress!!!!
Nice hips, great caboose, KILLER LEGS!!!!

2 best scenes:
1) Walking into the Gulden's party.....and the rest of that scene....
2) Walking away from Jay Mohr after the restaurant scene.....

........Brad's an idiot...........



All I know is a wanted to sling shot a bra at her and BEG her to wear it with that dress she wore to the wedding at the beginning. Saggy hanging boobs are just not attractive in my opinion.


I thought all her clothes in the movie were so unfashionable. I wouldn't wear those clothes if someone paid me.


Fashionable or not, the clothes were too small and she looked awful in them.



Only a non-heterosexual would make those comments about Aniston's look in this movie. Stocky legs?? Please... She was smoking!


Aside from the hideous dress/ green stockings she wore to the wedding, I thought her attire was quite fun. She was by no means stocky, though the dress she wore to the dinner part might have been cut a tad low for her. but come on, she has hips, curves, she looked like a real woman in this movie...oh the horror.


I agree. Those stocking were weird. Mid-90's style I guess.



Well, the amazing dress she (almost) wore to the Gulden's dinner, was so hot it almost constituted a separate sub-plot of it's own. Ever in immanent danger of falling entirely off her nipples at one end... and so revealing at the hemline, it would have taken but a single half-hearted, Sharon-Stone-leg-cross to tell us exactly what sort of bikini wax job she prefers. (My guess would be the carpet matches the drapes here... that is, if there were any carpet left to vaccuum! )

Thank you, Glen Gordon Caron!

... and Brad IS an idiot.

IMO, she/her legs looked nothing like stocky, merely equipped with wheels fine and substantial enough to support the delectable rest of that smokin' body. She's the apotheosis of that archetypal high school cheerleader I've always lusted after.


I watch the international version (R) and there is alot more skin and all kind of sex. I dont know why they cut off those parts to make it PG.


Shoot! I would KILL to have her body in this movie. She did have more weight on her then, but she looks good! I really like her in the white jeans/sweater when her & K. Bacon went to the ball game and the next day when he comes in her office while it's being furnished.



Anyone else think that Aniston was dressed by some costume designer who hated women? Her dresses were way too small for her, making her short legs look kind of stocky.

You're kidding about Aniston's legs being "short" and "stocky" -- right? I think her legs look superb.

Even now, in this Year of our Lord 2,007, Aniston proudly bares her legs in short shorts and dresses. Pics of her blazing gams adorned the fan mags this spring, and, at age 38, she looks ten (10) years younger.


English subtitles are a MUST on all DVD releases!
