What happened!

First of all im new to all this posting stuff, so sorry if i make any mistakes and reapeat anything said before!

What id like to say is...iv'e read dean koontz's "Phantoms" and i loved it.So i decided to see what the movie was like and i have to say...what went wrong!!!
I mean, where was Tal, and the other officers, you can't cut out characters like that, they help deveolp the story and so on!!

The book read as if it was a movie, you could cleraly picture what Koontz was on about, from the begining of the book to the end it was all fantastic.
My opinion is that the movie progressed far to quickly. It should have been gradual like the book. One minute thay find hilda and paul henderson dead, the next bryce hammond and two oher men show up...and i colud go on.!!
Someone in the movie world needs to read the book and redo the movie the way it should have been done in the first place.

how many of you can say your nuts glow in the dark

