MovieChat Forums > Phantoms (1998) Discussion > Uhhh, the Sheriff is in his early 20s?

Uhhh, the Sheriff is in his early 20s?

WHat the hell kind of casting is that? WHat the hell kind of town elects a Sheriff in his early 20s?

"There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is."


this movie totally sucked, but ben can be the sheriff in my town any day :P

oh ... and I guess I was only half watching because it was so very crap, but surely when the 2 girls started noticing all the weird stuff at the start they could have just LEFT the town ... who sticks around when there appears to be some kind of contagious disease? You would just get the hell out of there???




It's a pretty simple method of selling a shallow movie--cast the "attractive" people, negating any and all character traits from the original concept, so that the movie can attract equally shallow people's money. As I've said, Peter O'Toole was the only decent actor in the whole movie.



Uuuh, pay a little bit more attention to culture and contemporary history before you declare a sheriff in his early 20s to be unlikely. There have been 18 and 19 year old mayors in the us, and while no one has yet been that young, 35 is the youngest you are allowed to be to run for president if I'm not mistaken, and 30 for the US Senate. Of course, if any man 35 years of age were to run, he'd probably never get elected because many would say he was too inexperienced, but who's to say? So don't go saying this film is uncredible just because the sheriff looks too "young".


Well Dingo in the book the Sheriff is 39 yeas old, it gives the story alot more credibility.



Not only that his age in the book was important to his character development (a concept missed in this movie).


They casted Affleck as the Sheriff because they knew he'd be Da' BOMB IN PHANTOMS, YO!


Not only Sheriff, but a former FBI agent. It's laughable really...
