Eating Disorder

Has anyone here suffered from an eating disorder?

I had bulimia & anorexia for about 3 years.I entered rehab about 2 years ago & I'm getting better.I still struggle at times but I'm trying really hard to turn my life around.I like movies that deal with eating disorders b/c I can relate to them.I see myself in the characters they play.Do any of you feel the same way?


I went for an assessment when i was 15 and i was told i'm borderline Anorexic. So even though i don't comepletely suffer the same way as those with the problem i understand it and have bad habits



Uh, how can you be borderline anorexc!? You went for an assesment...huh? Righto. "Some bad habits"? Bull. Sounds suspicious to me. Tbh though I don't really care, you can pretend all you like, it is a sad and stupid thing to do though. You shouldn't desire this awful thing.


I have suffered from both Anorexia and Bulimia for close to 7 years... I was first diagnosed with anorexia when I was 15 (i am 22 now going to 23)then I eventually became bulimic as well... I have had different treatments for all those years, along with other issues that I am dealing with right now, and pretty much all my life... I am 'recovered' but like u, I still struggle at times... And I sooooo can relate to u liking movies that deal with eating disorders... I do as well... It's good to watch something that one can relate to because it happened to him/her as well... So yes, I definitely feel the same way. It's a very interesting subject



I suffered from both as well. Mostly I as anorexic, but i took laxatives and excercised alot. I am 17 and am getting so much better. I was checked into a hospital that put me on prozac. I also did alot of cutting aswell. I sometimes struggle, but im so much happier. Good luck to rest of ya!



been both anorexic and bulimic since i was 12, i'm now 31

"Hatred is a very underestimated emotion" -Jim Morrison


I don't like this movie much as an eating disorder film. I don't think it is that true to real life eating disorders as much as say, For the Love of Nancy, which I think is the best representation I've seen.

I've been in and out of treatment for anorexia for about 4 years. Pretty sucky, and I am still not right in the head and relapsing quite badly at the moment. But there you go.
