Music at the very end

At the very end when Ramzi Yousef is apprehended and is flying under arrest and approaching the New York airports with the Twin Towers in sight in the window, all of a sudden an éclat of middle eastern music, heavy on the African war drums signals the end as he proclaims with religious intensity that they'll be back, which is mondo eerie considering the statement as religious prophesy. The music is extremely hot, blending African drum patterns with those strange minor key Arabic modalities played on droning reeds and woodwinds or whatever those snake charming eerie oboe-like instruments are. The music is so sudden as well as being timed eerily perfectly so that the non vocal music took on meaning as if it were assigned lyrics. Kudos to the sound designer there, because that music really set the whole movie off even more than fireworks. So much that it's got to be banned or perhaps just censured considering how successfully it arouses painful feelings in the viewer when that murdering son of a bitch arrogantly proclaims that they wouldn't stop until those two lovely towers, now clearly visible through his passenger-side window, came down.
