Who has read the book?

The book was very excellent may I add.


I havent but I'd really would like to read it. I hear its pretty grusome. Like some scene her arm falls off? haha

Horribably happyiness


I read the book last year and it was amazing.

"The way things are perceived dictates ones course in life" - Gillian Anderson


Actually, the science, which has been proven incorrect (not that a science fiction book should ever be judged on exactitude), was represented fairly, but the literary style was poorly reproduced. The English translation I read had its share of typos, solecisms and clumsily worded phrases. I've read that the second edition does away with the worst mistakes, which I hope is true. Still, the book wouldn't have won awards in Japan if it were less than beautifully written. I hope to catch glimmers of that beauty someday in a better translation.


Which translation did you read? I'm considering buying the book, and I'm
looking at one version from 2005 and one from 2006, both published by
Vertical Inc. Not sure if there is any difference in the text
between those two. Did you read something older than that,
or should I go for the 2006 version to be on the safe side?


Sorry to respond so late. To be safe, I'd get the 2006 edition. I can't vouch for that version's mellifluousness -- as I understand it, the 2006 edition is simply a better proofread version of the previous pedestrian translation -- but it's supposed to correct various glaring mistakes in grammar and diction.

All the best to you.


I just finished reading the book (literally--about half an hour ago now ^^). A friend of mine was replaying one of the games and made me watch the movie to understand it, which I adored, and on a recent two-week tour of Japan I happened upon the English translation of the book. I'm getting ready to play the gam now, but I gotta tell ya... I'm a little scared. I can read scary books no problem, but I shake in my boots when I watch scary movies and I'm sure a scary video game will only be worse. Have you played the games? Any idea if I'll make it? o.O

Sam and Dean Winchester
A Yaoi Fangirl's Dream Come True


Not only did I read the book. I researched the book, the games, and the movie, creating the whole timeline. Playing the game will be fine, as long as you realize it is not real...


I've read the book. It's really good, though I had a rough time getting through the extremely graphic descriptions of how a kidney transplant is performed. Modern medicine is some of the greatest technology humanity has ever developed, though that does not make the specifics any less disgusting.


I just finished the book today and I'm still in shock. The first two parts were kind of slow but always hinted to something bigger around the corner. Then as soon as the grad student is giving her lecture, BAM! the rest of the book is a roller coaster ride of disgusting horror. The lucky victims only died of heart attacks. Still, I didn't much care for the film adaptation. It stuck to the basic plot, but so much re-writing bogged down the whole thing. Plus, in the movie Eve 1 transforms from a glowing goop. In the book, she's a melting humaniod with a demented smile. Tell me which is scarier. I reallt wish a remake would come around, yes even an American remake, because this story has a lot of potential for a much more impressive movie.
