Rate it a Ten

How could anyone who saw this movie not give it a rating of ten? It is so emotional and well-acted while honestly based on horrendous events. It is a complete package for writing, directing, scenery, location, acting and casting.

This movie truly affected me. If it didn't affect you on some level, you should question yourself, not the movie.

Rate it a ten.


I agree...it was an awesome movie with an engrossing story-
To me it was an illustration and a celebration of the resiliency of women in a way few films have. Forget Steel Magnolia- this film was DEEP!


warmislandsun said: "If it didn't affect you on some level, you should question yourself, not the movie."

Rubbish. Do not presume to tell me what should affect me, and what shouldn't.



Rating it a 10 to raise the rating is just as bad as rating a movie a 1 to lower it - the latter of which seems to get the most hate.

Everyone has a hidden agenda. Except me!


I can do it ... and I totally enjoyed the film ... but it is not comparable to other 10 movies. But I will say this PR is way better than the 6.8 it has on IMDB and that makes me wonder.
