MovieChat Forums > One Night Stand (1997) Discussion > Maybe It Was A Wife Swap.....SPOILERS

Maybe It Was A Wife Swap.....SPOILERS

First, the wife getting with the character played by Kyle had to have been more than shear coincidence i feel...... One or both of them may have picked up on something and it was maybe why don't we get together. The second thing is how do they end up in in the same spot when making out.....This could have been done by Natasha's character seeing where they went and brought him so they could catch them in the act....Maybe she wanted to get with him without having to explain why, this is the best way for her to get with him without fallout. I know this is far fetched but it makes more sense then the other thing happening so randomly. AS for the ending it really could be a twist that they were still with there spouses but simply living an open marriage or doing a wife swap. Just another and in my opinion a better spin on the end of this movie.
