
This movie was pretty bad. You'd think she would have a little more decency to stop the affair after her husband died, but they continue to let her play the innocent victim. Please. And they are supposed to be in Charlotte, NC? I never realized that Charlotte was so rural. haha.. I know this is just a movie but c'mon. And the accents were HORRIBLE!I live in NC and even we don't talk THAT southern. They sounded like they were in N'Awlins or something. I guess I just watched this because I think Josh Morrow is sexy.


I was born & raised in "N'Awlins" and NOBODY from there speaks in that sickening, stereotypical "drawl"


I am from New Orleans as well. We DO NOT sound like that AT ALL. Not even close.


The accents in the movie were definitely BAD. However, being born and raised in the North and now having to travel to Alabama and Louisiana for my job... Yes, you do have the stereotypical drawl. Just sayin'.


Well maybe some inhabitants of the more rural parts of Louisiana MIGHT have somewhat of a drawl, but true New Orleanians do not, trust me. As a matter of fact, many people can't believe that I was born and raised in N.O. because I don't sound like what they think people from N.O. should sound like. We do have an accent, though it's different than the rest of the South.
