Backstabbing women

I love this movie but I hate movies where women are being pitted against women or especially when a vindictive sophisticated woman is taking advantage of a sweet naive girl who doesn't deserve what's happening to her. Kimmy's only crime was being very sweet and pretty.

I really couldn't stand Julia Robert's shrill, selfish, entitled, jealous, character. She only wanted her best friend because he couldn't have him. She seemed to enjoy being the woman he wanted but couldn't have until another woman actually got him. Glad she got her comeuppance at the end ,though I admit, Julia Roberts was very cute in this. Cute and delightfully devious.

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In my humble opinion, in this movie Julia Roberts' character is a monster. I'd never write a heroine who was so completely devoid of scruples and expect my readers to identify or sympathize with her.

I agree with you though, I can't stand it when writers pit woman against woman over a man. It's one thing if we believed he didn't really love the Kimmie character (though I don't know how anyone could love that gleeful animal abuser Cameron Diaz in real life).

I couldn't bring myself to like this movie because I kept waiting for her to do the right thing and she didn't until it was forced upon her. That just wasn't good enough for me. With women like this there's no hope for the sisterhood. And I'm a little worried that so many women thought that her dirty tricks were funny. They made me sad.

The movie came out during the Julia Roberts frenzy and I think that carried it. People were willing to forgive her behaviour because she was the quintessential Pretty Woman. I wasn't. But I tend to be a little judgmental.

Just sayin'
