Jude's biggest regret.

Why Jude regrets doing this film but not Love, Honour & Obey is still a total mystery to me. This one's so cuuute! Even despite the basically nonexistant chemistry between Jude and The Mol. I was practically sobbing at the end when they're in the train station and he says "it's heads"...oh wait, maybe that was just because of Jude's devastating good looks? XD

I'm not saying this is cinema at it's best, though. I mean, bottom line: if you want to stare at a truly beautiful human being be quirky and romantic and running around in a weirdly sexy pig costume for an hour and a half, your two dollars is well-spent renting this movie.



he regrets doing this movie?! why? that's really weird. i mean i love this movie! oh well, he made it and he cant undo it!

Some people wait for their white knight, I wait for Sam swinging outside my window.


He regrets doing it because it was the only movie he "did for money". Apparently he didn't chose the material because it meant something to him but for the cash :p.

It's sad, I think it's a great movie, one of my fave Jude movies. He did a great job, even if he didn't really want to be there.


I can totally see why in comparison to other movies he has chosen why he didn't like doing this one or would regret having filmed it - it's just not his typical style, however he did do a good job still - a sign of a trully dedicated and talented actor. Anyone besides me though get more interested and sidetracked by the subplot of Nina and Jesus?



Nina and Jesus were totally charming. I loved them. I really didn't care if Danny and whatsername got together at all.


Personally, I thought that Jude Law and Gretchen Moll were the BEST part of the movie. Sure, I loved the Jesus and Nina and thought their romance was wonderful and sweet, but Danny and Anna were AWESOME together.

Okay, I'll be honest. This may be due more to the fact that Anna is just like me... to the point that it really scares me sometimes!

Another point... someone earlier in this thread said that Moll was a lousy actress (or words to that effect). I don't consider this to be true. I'm not saying she's great, but take into account the fact that she's playing a very restrained, 'emotionless' kind of character. I thought she played her quite well.

One of my absolute favorite scenes is the one after the funeral when she goes upstairs to keep from crying in front of everyone. That's a scene I will NEVER forget.


I still find it funny that the family in the movie kept commenting on how depressed Anna looked at her mother's funeral. Well, gee, aren't most people depressed at funerals? lol.


some to talk about


I have not heard of the other movie, but I can understand his dismay at appearing in this movie. It is a badly cliched romantic comedy. He and Mol have absolutely no chemistry. And he looks like he's got AIDS while she looks like a 1950s prostitute with a screechy voice. Great character actors like Brenda Blethyn and Jeremy Piven are given little to do. Jen Tilly's blind sister should have been the main character.


omg - this? had me DYING laughing! thanx!

he looks like he's got AIDS while she looks like a 1950s prostitute with a screechy voice.

while i wouldn't go so far as to say he looked like an AIDS patient, i DID notice that his head looked oddly shaped/sized for his body in certain scenes....




Can't say as I much agree with you on this, especially your depiction of Jude and Gretchen's portrayal except to say that this is not a movie that tests the range of an actor. Note I do have the view that both Jude and Gretchen are great actors, but that, somewhat unfortunately for them, each has to overcome a handicap related to the way they look. He is somewhat of a "pretty boy", while she is gorgeous.

Romantic comedies tend to be profitable and I find it quite reasonable that actors would "use" these roles to help keep them afloat financially while they are waiting for something more to their liking. (John Cusack comes to mind, here.) Kate Hudson, for some reason, either seems to prefer them or doesn't get a lot of calls for other, meatier performances. Gretchen, I hope, will get the opportunity to prove her worth and become a first rate performer.

The story of Nina is important, I suppose, but not particularly compelling, at least in the way it was told. In this movie, its importance was in bringing the main characters together. Note Tilly did get billing ahead of Mol. I'm not a fan of Piven and was glad he wasn't in that many scenes. I would, however, have liked to see Plimpton's role expanded.



Considering the deeper roles Law has picked since this film I can understand his regret but knowing that we have many of those roles of him today it was refreshing seeing his younger, boyish nature with this one. Like Hitchcock regretting Rebecca or Bale regretting Reign of Fire it still does not diminish the enjoyment I garner from each of these films. Actually, I find that truly sweet, somewhat innocent, old fashioned romances to be a far more difficult genre to pull off these days over the cynical ones. This one works beautifully mainly due to the cast.

As I viewed Music From Another Room as well as Immortality (The Wisdom of Crocodiles) I could not help but think that if Jude had been younger he would have been a far superior Twilight Edward to Pattinson. If I could ever muster up the interest to read the saga (which I doubt considering how much I have despised the films) Law's portrayal of Danny and Steven would be my ideal for Edward.


i love this film, it's adorable. very strong supporting cast, and i there is real chemistry between the leads... it's well produced, charming and underrated. the parents are both tremendously strong, karen and nina are great, and my favorite is the crazy sister in law who shoots jeremy piven. even young danny and his dad are perfect together... it's quirky, well acted, and doesn't try to be too much. my only criticism is that the dialogue seems, at times, over written and contrived - but just at times. other than that, it's completely fun and light... i love the bookends of the past at the beginning and end - it brings out the magic.

i am not sure why jude thinks it isn't worthy of him, what has he really done that's a better character? that robot in AI? lmao... or wait, must have been that classic "the holiday"... he doesn't do "depth" as well as he does "charming".....
