MovieChat Forums > Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) Discussion > MK1 ends with giant emperor MK2 begins w...

MK1 ends with giant emperor MK2 begins with no stone

At the end of Mortal Kombat 1, the emperor appears and his a giant stone...thing.
At the beginning of of Mortal Kombat 2, it starts off there, except instead of the giant stone emperor we have Shao-Kahn.

I really hate it when a movie does this, one movie ends one way and a sequel is made and changes how the first movie left off.

Maybe they figured they couldn't write around it so they decided to just change it. Still, kind of lame. MK makes a pretty good ending, and then MK2 just goes "yeah, we dont like that ending, so it never happened. screw you"

Most of the characters from the first film were also replaced too. I can understand why, cant always get the actors. Doesn't change that I am displeased by it.


The Shao Khan/Emperor guy in the ending of MK1 was scarier than the one from the sequel. I wonder why they revamped his scary voice/look for?



I know it was directed by someone else, so maybe that director decided to change it.


CAN SOMEONE UPLOAD AN IMAGE OR CLIP...i remember this ending as a kid..but as i got older and rewatched wasnt there...i just assumed i imagined it...


I know this post is 2 months old but:
