Ideal Musical Cast.

Okay, So let's just say their making a new Les Miserables movie, A musical one this time! Okay so who's your dream cast, These would be mine.

Jean Valjean - Hugh Jackman
Fantine - Nicole Kidman
Javert - Norm Lewis
Thenardiers - Jeremy Irons and Jenny Galloway
Eponine - Lea Solonga
Marius - Nick Jonas (As much as I hate myself for it, He was amazing in London!)
Cosette - An Uknown Girl.
Enjolras - Ewan McGregor.


How you doin? - Joey


If Philip Quast isn't Javert then the movie is a no go for me. No one can do that role the way he does.

Hugh Jackman is too pretty-boy for Valjean, not to mention too talk and bulky. Valjean is meant to be a bit stocky.

And absolutely no Americans. Sorry, but the accent kills it for me. And if you mention any of the Jonas Bros in the same sentence as this great work of art ever again, I will hunt you down and destroy you.

Flynn 24


ttrek-1 I absolutely agree with you about Philip Quast, he's amazing :) Norm Lewis seemed too gentle for me, in the 25th anniversary anyway. Have you seen it? I know the Jonas Brothers are terrible, I didn't expect Nick Jonas to be at all capable, but he really did prove me wrong. Sure, his voice was drowned out by a lot of the other cast with their booming classical voices lol, but he was very good for the part :) a very modest Marius, and he didn't make his love with Cosette nauseating like some other renditions :/
Also, yes American accents do ruin the magic :/ maybe he can do a good English one? Even though that's hardly accurate anyway.



The casting directors for the 2012 musical version must've read the OP's post, at least his suggestion for Valjean.


I have never seen a better musical cast than that of the Tenth Anniversary Concert, including of course the amazing Philip Quast as Javert.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


I think the movie musical was really well cast. I think they all did wonderful. My favorites were Samantha Barks, Russell Crowe, Sacha Baron Cohen and Anne Hathaway. I don't think it needs replacement casts. I think everyone did wonderful.

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!
