The MIB Worldview

At the movie's conclusion, there is a massive zoom-out from Earth all the way back to reveal that there is an alien who has several other universes which the alien is using as marbles. I wondered about this. Is the filmmaker trying to send us a message of some sort or is it a kind of irony?

Is it that the MIB think they are protecting the earth from the scum of the universe, yet the universe is simply in the hands of the alien... so are they really in control?

Is it symbolic of an ultimate non-specific intelligence that is behind the universe, reflecting the Biblical concept (and the popular children's song) that God holds the whole universe in his hands, and we as his creation are ultimately under his rule which he executes within the biblical view that God is kind and loving and merciful, yet also holy and just and judge?

On the other hand, perhaps it's a deistic view that there is an intelligence out there but does not seem to care about the events of the universe, they are merely a play thing? We are merely a play thing of aliens?

Is it saying something about the events of the movie are merely universes bouncing off each other in a cosmic marble game? Why then do we attach (immaterial) significance to what is strictly material and insignificant things?

Or is it a combination of these? Just a bit of fun? Or is the writer expressing something of his belief about the world?

Anyway, just some thoughts. It's a great movie and just an interesting final scene.


A bit of fun.

If there's a statement being made, it's from Kay's "Imagine what you'll know tomorrow" speech (the original script had him say "What you gain in perspective, you lose in ways you're too young to understand.") It's the notion of what an insignificant fly speck we are in the "grand scheme" of things, and how little we understand about the universe (even from the "god's eye" perspective of an MIB insider).

I love it when a plan comes together.


The interpretation of it's a "deistic view that there is an intelligence out there but does not seem to care about the events of the universe" sounds very interesting. I think RParmly-3 hit the nail on the head. There are so many galaxies containing various life forms that we could be considered an insignificant dot in the cosmic picture.

This was such an amazing ending. Truly mind-boggling.


Just because something is important... doesn't mean it isn't very small.

Confound your lousy toll.. TROLL!




at least thats what i took from it.

Then your brain needs improving.
