MovieChat Forums > Men in Black (1997) Discussion > Has Stood the Test of Time

Has Stood the Test of Time

Anyone else agree?

This could come out tomorrow and I'd dig it. Whenever it's on the movie channels, I'm obligated to watch it. I'd say it has kept up well with time vs. Independence Day for example. I'm still a sucker for some Independence Day, but the acting/plot is obsolete by today's standards. TLJ and WS were perfect next to each other. I think it does so well because it really doesn't "tap" into society. The movie is just about MiB and the Aliens. People and their concerns are just like a TV that's on in the background in this movie.

Always will be one of my favorites.



I agree with eh OP, and I guess you're the "test of time" expert now?

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


yeah for a old movie, going on 16 years its held up remarkably well, much better than fifth element.

Insert @V@T@R


I'm with the OP on this one. Just watched it again and still love it!

Yes, sir, I'm going to do nothing like she's never been done before!



Watched it yesterday on my flight, thought it was great. Then watched MIIB (long flight) and thought it was rehashed dribble.



i agree completely and thought the same thing when i saw it a few weeks ago


Definitely! Will Smith went from cool to corny. But he still has a few funny lines and Tommy Lee Jones is timeless.

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Yep, just re-watched and loved it.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
