'Moira Kelly'

WHY did they name her "Moira Kelly"???? I'm so curious 'cause there's an actress using that name. She's not active now but she wasn't a total unknown. On the contrary. She was in THE CUTTING EDGE opposite DB Sweeney, and in...Oh, sheesh, the title escapes me for now but it's that flick with Brendan Fraser as a graduating Harvard syudent and Joe Pesci as a homeless man...


Good question. Not sure.

That movie was called With Honors


Thanks for reminding me :) Anyway, I found out she (the real Moira) was recently in The West Wing.


THere are quite a few Moira Kellys here in the U.S. Alone. I can only imagine that Ireland would have quite a few as well.
Another thing is that actress Moira Kelly is hardly a household name. She is not particularly famous so they could get away with using the name.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


I caught that too. I think it's probably just coincidence, but I did notice it because I love 'The Cutting Edge' which Moira Kelly starts in.


I believe it is a very common Irish name. I actually met a Moira Kelly once...no relation to the actress.
