Liev Schreiber

How much/long is Liev Screiber in this movie? Please, and thank you.

If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.


Devastated that it took me a year to find your post!

Screening the movie now and I'm going to use my stopwatch and take detailed notes so I can get back to you on how much/long is Liev in this movie.

You wait right there.


Took you even longer to come up with the anwser. Too bad...


I am commenting just so there is a comment a year...nbd.

Favorite genres: Western, Sci-Fi, Martial Arts. I'm so freaking dude.



Here's the 2015 entry. It's a fairly substantial support role.🐭


Finding this thread in 2016, and feeling obligated to comment. In case anyone is still wondering, Liev is in it quite a bit.
