Such a rotten kid,,,,

Selfish to the core....I understand being selfish as a child but I could'nt find sympathy for the brat!


he was what he was raised to be. how could he, at seven, know how he is supposed to act when one minute, his mother thinks he's fine and his dad is normal around him and his siblings are usual - and, the next minute, his mother hates him, his father holds onto him for dear life and his siblings let him get beat up? his grandmother was the only one that was consistent in his treatment. it was all too confusing for a child.


How was he being selfish? In his heart, he was a certain way. He couldn't understand it and was only confused by his parents and friends reacting to it in so many different ways. He tried to play soccer to please his dad, he refused to wear the dress at the end to please his mom, and he even tried to committ suicide because he didn't want to cause his family any more trouble.

Anyway, all he wanted to do was wear a freaking skirt and earrings. How was that hurting anything? Girls are allowed to wear their hair short and wear pants and whatnot but guys can't wear skirts? Geez, what does it hurt? If anything, the neighbors were being cruel.


hmm, I don't get the "selfish" spin either. He's a very young, gender-confused child with a long way to go to find his place in his family & in the world, & with a lot of obstacles thrown in front of him by others & their own confusion & insecurities. I don't see where selfish comes into play at all.

"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up...we'll all get up...IT'LL BE ANARCHY!!"


I think this post much be a joke. It can't possibly be serious.


the one who started this thread must be SELFISHLY INSANE!



If you don't live for yourself, you can't do anything for anyone else. You are empty.

Selfishness is essential for growth. You have to know who you are. Or you're useless.

Let's just curse all of those selfish people who were just offensively selfish enough to produce the most beautiful music in the world, the greatest films, the most beautiful paintings. Damn those selfish toads. They should be suffering, and serving other people.

Rotten, indeed.
