Francis Bacon of today, would be sad I think..... per quoted of the main page regarding this film 'Biography of British painter Francis Bacon' Francis Bacon wasnt British he was Irish, born October 28, 1909, in Dublin, He later moved to London where he found 'home' in his studio at Reece Mews studio. He must have loved his life there and wanted to give London back a bit of him and so after his death his studio was offered to the The Tate Gallery but they turned it down. And instead The Hugh Lane Gallery were offered the chance to bring over 'Some two thousand samples of Bacon's painting materials were found in the Reece Mews studio. These include hundreds of used paint tubes, jars of loose pigment, paintbrushes, utensils, tin cans, sticks of pastel, pieces of fabric, empty bottles of turpentine, cans of spray paint and of fixative, tins of household paint and countless roller sponges.'

I think its sad that the Tate turned down an amazing treat as The Reece Mews studio, and I think that after all his years in London it should have been looked upon and regnoised as a treasure. The Hugh Lane could see that and today it is part of what makes the Gallery what it is today, a feast a artist would be proud of.




Ah, oh well, just means one has to go all the way to Ireland to find some more of his work.

Also, he was actually a British painter, just born in Ireland.

Ireland - which, as said in another thread - was a part of the United Kingdom at the time, and his parents were both British, too.


Bacon bequeathed his entire estate (including his gstudio) to John Edwards and not The Tate, although there ARE items from the studio in the Tate. Edwards, in turn, donated the contents of the chaotic studio at 7 Reece Mews, South Kensington, to the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin.



'Francis Bacon wasnt British he was Irish, born October 28, 1909'

That bit of Ireland was part of the British Empire at the time.

It's that man again!!
