The Elephant Man

I was enjoying Love and Death on Long Island, watching Giles go to the cinema and miss out on seeing that fictionalized movie adaption of The Eternal moment which I knew hadn't been made into a movie, at least as of yet. So I googled John Hurt and Anthony Hopkins so that I could locate all of the movies they'd acted together in. I only located The Elephant Man. I know there were versions of A Passage to India and A Room with a View. I didn't know, however that there was a version of the short story "Out of the Unknown" The Machine Stops (1966) which actually foresaw the advent of TV, E-mail and the Internet. It predicts a bleak future where humans live underground and communicate via Cinematophote, a cool modern name for the Internet. But going back to Anthony Hopkins (Howard's End) and John Hurt (10 Rillington Place), I was wondering if someone knew what site I could go to to immediately retrieve the complete list of movies shared by any two (or three) actors on film with the dates? When you google 2 actors you get sires such as that list only one possibility. Just trying to save time. Back to Sir Giles De'Ath (he Was Knighted, wasn't he?) and then onto a rerun of A Room with A View since HBO has exhausted their reruns of Howard's End and Remains of the Day (RIP Christopher Reeve & his lovely wife). However if they ever make a version of The Longest Journey I hope they cast either Emma Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter or perhaps Anglica Huston or Helen Mirren in the role of Rickie’s Aunt Emily Failing since none of those are young enough to play Agnes Pembroke, although Helena Bonham Carter would have been Perfect for that role just 10 years ago, today. Of course the role of Rickie would have, of necessity gone to Hugh Grant or I'll retire to Bedlam, if it ain't in keepin' with the situation, as Scrooge's charwoman in Dicken's A Christmas Carol would have so succinctly put it.
R.I.P. Alistair Sim, Ernest Thesinger, Mervyn Johns, and Michael Hordern, breeding ground school for a Lovejoy role alongside Ian McShane. Cheers
