The book/film is so purely Thomas Mann's DEATH IN VENICE there is no attempt to cover it up.


uhm, yes. it's called a modern adaptation. the title sort of makes it obvious. your comment is the equivalent to indignantly pointing out that tim blake nelson's "O" is based on othello.


thats what happen when momma leaves the computer on when she goes to the mall.


I disagree. von Aschenbach is struggling with his desire for the boy (and he is a boy) and that leads to his death. You'll need to read the story to see this.

With Love and Death in which, like Gods and Monsters, there is the attraction of an older man to a younger, De'ath is much more secure in his want for Ronnie; finally expressing it. I think we need to see past the older/younger genre to see the finesses in each movie.


that's the really....huh part....

His name...was Julio Iglesias!
