MovieChat Forums > Lolita (1998) Discussion > Irons was no Humbert

Irons was no Humbert

I kept seeing him as the poofter from Brideshead so no way was he convincing with Lolita, especially as she was 4 years too "over the hill" [Jean Brodie 17 year old Sandy] to be Lolita


I haven't read the novel but I thhink Jeremy Irons portrayed very well this conflicted man who loved Lolita but knew he was doing wrong. Maybe he wasn't totally likable but you could feel some sympathy fir him.

But if I had to pick an actor to portray Humbert in the future my choice would be Ralph Fiennes


No.... try James Mason.
Actually, Jeremy Irons was good too. You did feel some sympathy for him.
While both versions of the film have merit, I'd be interested in seeing another version with Ralph Fiennes as Humbert.
That really would be interesting. Who do you see as Lolita?

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"


I've seen both versions of the story and Mason was great as well but more manipulative and that version showed us more on why was so wrong Himbert's relationship with Lo.

In Jeremy Irons versions you feel like at the beginning their relationship was fully consensual and Humbert's biggest flaw was his miss communication with Lolita meanwhile Mason portrayed him with more darkness, still a very interetsing portrayal.

I think both actors did a great Job but the actress I preffer the original( the actress from Kubrick's version) as Charlotte I'm not sure who I thought was better but I guess I'd go Melanie Griffith.

Anyway if there was a third remake here is my cast

Humbert : Ralph Fiennes
Lolita : I was first thinking of Lily Collins , but I guess Chloe Grace Moretz age is more accurate and closer to the novel she is alos very talented so yes I'd Go for Chloe Grace Moretz.
Charlotte Haze: Sharon Stone maybe even Kristin Scott Thomas or Emma Thompson could work
Quilty: Stanley Tucci or maybe Robert De Niro.

Anyway other choices who came to my mind for Lo are : Emma Watson, Saoirse Ronan, Amanda Seyfried or Gabriella Wild


29 year old Amanda Seyfried for 12 year old Lo?!



I think Irons was an incredible Humbert.


I took off A,and from my picks but wouldn't be that bad, I mean she looks younger than she is and Kubrick's Lolita was far from being 12


Amanda seyfried is 29?!?!? She's looks so young!!! Maybe not young enough to pass for 12 year old Lolita but, still, she looks ten years younger than she actually is


see I saw the original and the remake and I can tell that the original humbert was more playing the man who feel for a girl while humbert from the remake plays it more of a man conflicted like you see him either give into his urges while you hear his confession from it


The actress was 14 when they filmed Lolita. She was 17 when it finally came out.
