Aspect Ratio

IMDb indicates that A LIFE LESS ORDINARY was released theatrically in 1.85:1, but its intended aspect ratio was 2.35:1. The laserdisc is presented in 1.85:1, while the DVD is 2.35:1. What gives?


Well, 2.35:1 is Danny Boyle's intended ratio for this film. It was shot in Super 35, so the laserdisc's transfer, as well as the theatrical release, had the matte opened up a bit.

For more info on the "Super 35" process:

Super 35 - Various

This process does not involve widescreen lenses, but rather it involves framing the picture to fit the ratio of the screen. The top and bottom of the frame are "matted" out and removed from the picture completely, resulting in a rectangular picture.

Super35 movies are filmed using flat lenses. Using an optical printer, the "interpositive" image is then contact-printed to produce an "internegative" anamorphic release print. As a result, an anamorphic image from a Super35 original tends to have a "gritty but sharp" look that is "harder" in a way than an anamorphic image, which has a "smooth" look.

Many movies made in Super35 are transferred to video with the top and bottom of the frame restored, so that you actually see more of the picture on video than you did in the theater. However, scenes which include special effects in them are almost always filmed hard-matted in the appropriate widescreen ratio and therefore must be subjected to the pan-and-scan process.


"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane


Really? Hmm, well I have a region 2 dvd from 7-8 years ago, and the aspect ratio of that is 1.85:1. Must be a re-release with a ratio of 2.35:1 then... I guess. Odd.

"Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like your opinion, man."


Region 1 US DVD release - 2.35:1
Region 2/4 UK/Europe/Australia DVD release - 1.85:1

I don't know about the US theatrical print, but in most European countries (Sweden, Norway and Germany for sure) it was presented in 1.85:1 aspect ratio.

When it's shown on TV, if widescreen, it's 1.85:1. However, yesterday (January 15) something weird happened when here in Finland it was shown on the Finnish Channel 3 (MTV3) in 2.35:1 aspect ratio. Usually the version shown on TV in Finland is similat to the DVD/Video versions available, but to my knowledge the version in scope aspect ratio (2.35:1) exists only in USA and is therefore in NTSC. Finland uses the PAL system (as the rest of Europe), so I don't know from where the TV channel had aquired their version. And to add the confusion, the same channel showed the previous day a full frame (1.33:1) version of the 1967 film "Billion Dollar Brain" which is filmed in Panavision 2.35:1, the way it is available on DVD, and has as such been broadcast some years earlier.

"You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!"
"Forget about it"
