(Spoilers) Is it just me

or at the end (when the when Robert and Celine were walking at the dinner) did anyone else get the impression that this whole movie was the back story of Pumpkin and Honey Bunny from Pulp Fiction? I don't know why but at that scene I just got the feeling that this whole movie was like an unofficial prequel to Pulp Fiction (at least Pumpkin's and Honey Bunny's storyline).
Here are some of the reason's I thought it:

The camera angles seem to focus on the characters clothing and the characters are wearing almost the same thing Pumpkin and Honey Bunny are wearing at the begging of the Pulp Fiction

The dinner itself is almost an exact replica of the diner at the begging Pulp Fiction

The way the Robert and Celine interact with each other. Think about when they were robbing the connivence store and Celine was going to blow off the girl's head the exchange was practically recreation of the scene when Honey Bunny was going to blow Vincent's head off in Pulp Fiction.
Please let me know what you think of this idea. I accept criticism but PLEASE DON"T FLAME ME.


lol I was thinking the same thing at the bank robery


Yup......I was watching it n thinkin its trying to go for the pulp fiction quirky crime vibe then I saw ur post..........and the 60s music too yada yada

best ever book of coincidence
