To me, this film is about...

I saw this movie for the first time last night. While I haven't read every single post on the movie, it seems that the point of the movie has been lost on many people.

Here's my take: If you are unhappy in your relationship and are looking for something else, take a moment and make sure that the issue is not with you, otherwise your next relationship will resemble this one. Allow me to explain.

Each character that strays ultimately finds that what made each character unhappy at home, made them unhappy in their affairs. Likewise, the issue that was irritating his/her spouse also irritated the new lover.



Agreed. Most of these characters were very selfish - "what's in it for ME, what will you do for ME, how can I get what I want." But they never turn the mirror to themselves an ask how they can make changes in themselves to achieve the happiness they all think they deserve but can't get.

Good post :)

