Having trouble liking this film

I don't want to write it off too soon because I'm a big fan of both Wolfgang Becker & Tom Tykwer. But I have to be honest... I just didn't like this film at all. Can you guys tell me what I may have missed?

First, I couldn't find the "deeper message" in it all. It seemed to be simply about the lives of a bunch of interesting people, with no real philosophical meaning. On the contrary, in Goodbye Lenin (Becker) the meaning is political and personal, relating to the disillusionment of a country or individual struggling with sudden change. Another example: in The Princess and the Warrior (Tykwer) the theme is about people who ironically cling to past traumas for comfort. Now in Baustelle...? I get nothing.

It's just about a guy who goes through a lot of weird stuff, and he doesn't particularly handle any of it well. And he screams once in a while. Someone help me out here. Plot aside, what's this movie about?
