MovieChat Forums > Leave It to Beaver (1997) Discussion > What's up With the Dress Code?

What's up With the Dress Code?

I know they were trying to capture the feel of the classic 50s sitcom but dear lord, everyone is wearing clothes from the 50s/60s and this was set in the 90s? The boys were wearing male baby boomer clothing and the girls were wearing dresses and skirts which was very odd. What happened, is this set in a parallel universe where there weren't hippies thus the dress code carried on into the 70s, 80s, and 90s! I mean they managed to update the technology to video games, computers, color TVs, etc. but the clothing was ridiculous especially by 1997 standards! God, this movie was a failure, both The Little Rascals and The Brady Bunch Movie were way better than this garbage!! I hate it when they modernize stuff and the people are wearing the some clothes they wore in the original but yet they always update the technology. The Nostalgia Critic should review this, I bet he'd tear it a new one!


It's kind of like Batman: The Animated series, it's set in the 90s but still has several of the 40s and 50s things to it, like they still drove the older fancy cars and the football players still wore those leatherhead helmets instead of the modern ones. If not for the clothing in this one, I think the whole joke of it all would be lost.


Also My Life as a Teenage Robot, despite being set in the future, feels and looks like it's set in the 1930s rather than the future, even the clothes some of the characters wear look like attire from that decade.


They did the same with Stuart Little, when the characters all dressed in 1940s clothing.
