Another Goof

The woman who announces the attack on Pearl Harbour says the yanks have come in on our (Britain's) side, but Germany and the United States didn't declare war on each other until four days later.


Britain was stretched defending half of the south pacific with Australia against Japan, not just fighting Germany.

It would have been obvious to anyone in the UK throughout 1940/1941 over the previous year that if the US joined one theatre they would no doubt join the other simultaneously.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


Does it matter? NO. A very silly complaint.
But try this...
When Stella heads towards the 2-acre field to "go" al-fresco, Joe calls out...
"Do you want some paper?" when he really should have said...
"Take a spade" !!!
Grass is better than paper anyway, wet grass even better. Gives it a bit of wash at the same time.
Incidentally, this is an aspect of life that is seldom even hinted at in movies.
My list is..
1. Easyrider. Fonda and Hopper have a tinkle at the side of the road.
2. Crash. Jack's dad has a prostate problem.
3. Mamma Mia. Meryl Streep explains the vagaries of the plumbing, and later, seeks refuge there.
