MovieChat Forums > Kundun (1998) Discussion > is this a good scorsese movie?

is this a good scorsese movie?

i want to know if this is one of those great movies of his to see


Personally, I really liked it. I haven't seen a lot of Scorsese, but this movie is much more Last Temptation of Christ than Gangs of New York (which I hated). His style of imagery is present and the story is very heart stirring. I recomend it to anybody that enjoys movies that unfold gradually and is mostly propelled by dialogue.


I thought Gangs of New York was a good movie, but it did drag on a bit though.


It surprised me how much I didn't like The Gangs of New York. I love period pieces, and most of my favorite movies are long slow burners. I was really looking forward to seeing it when it came out, but for some reason it left a really bad taste in my mouth. I just didn't enjoy it.



This is one of my all-time favorite movies - technically flawless, brilliantly executed, beautiful looking, and a great story (which is, of course, based on the real life of the current Dalai Lama).


personally, i think this is one of scorsese's best film. definatley his most visually stunning film to date. for the recored, i loved gangs of new york. i was enthralled from begining to end. if it did drag, i never noticed it, because i was so into it!


I LOVED Gangs of New York. I thought it was visually stunning, brilliant acting, enthralling theatrical style, great story. Scorses is my all-time favourite director. Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Casino, Cape Fear, The Aviator. Simply brilliant. I don't know many directors who have made as many excellent films in one career than Scorsese. Comparable are Hitchcock and Kubrick.


In my opinion:

You may be asking 3 questions: Is this a good movie? and Is this movie good Scorsese? and finally Is this movie typical Scorsese?

To answer the first:
On its own right, it is a good movie to watch. It has its own merits, outside of the Scorsese canon. I.e., the story of the 14th Dalai Lama (albeit told for Western audiences). I.e., the great soundtrack. I.e., the beautiful visual depictions of Tibetan customs.

#2: I also believe it is good Scorsese. There is one scene in which one of the DL's advisors tells him about the cruelties being undergone by Tibetans resisting the Chinese takeover. The DL's response, and his mental imagining of what the advisor has said, are very Scorsese. Later, before entering India, the DL sees what might happen to all of his advisors as they sit on their horses, waving goodbye. Again, very Scorsese. By Scorsese, I mean the depiction of violent imagery as a way to trigger emotional response in the character - and, indirectly, in the viewer. Also, there are several jumpcuts and pans that remind me of other of his films.

#3: I would say that the movie is NOT typical Scorsese overall.


Yes...if you're patient. If by "good" you mean, "How much like 'Goodfellas' or 'Casino' or 'Taxi Driver' is this movie?" then it's probably not for you, because it is a completely different breed of movie.

I'm one of the few people who went to see this one in the theater, which is really the ideal place to see it: minimal distraction, full attention to the screen.

My wife and I saw this and the Brad Pitt movie "Seven Years in Tibet" (her pick, which deals with a similar subject) in the theater that year, and even she had to admit that this picture was infinitely better. The cinematography is fantastic as always, and the actors are quite natural, which is a real achievement given that they are mostly nobodies.

This film takes its time and is not a "plot film" so much as a character study, but the reward is there if you can make yourself watch it. I felt such great respect for the Dalai Lama by the conclusion of the picture, felt like I'd met him, and felt like he was truly an enlightened soul.

"Kundun" is actually one of Martin Scorsese's more perfect films, but it's not for everyone. If you were able to appreciate the craft of "The Age of Innocence" (A letter-perfect adaptation of the Edith Wharton novel), then you will probably enjoy this as well.

So remember--when you watch it, keep the lights turned out, keep your phone turned off, and give it your full attention. Good luck.





It's an amazing movie. I highly recommend it. Even Scorsese misfires are worth a look.

How much did you put out to get in?


saw it, it was very nice movie and lots of attention to detail.


Not good...great!
