Tomorrow, Can't, Maybe

When Patricia said to Michael that Mimi-Siku didn't understand these words...well, I remember Michael talking to Mimi-Siku earlier over snake and lizard guts about him having to leave soon and he used the words "tomorrow" and "can't" with Mimi, and he seemed to understand what he was talking about.


That's not exactly a goof...Patricia just meant Mimi-Siku did not yet understand what basic English words meant like those words, and that for a father Michael needed to be direct with his son about how much time he could spend with him.


Well, then it's a good thing this ain't listed in the goofs right? j/k
Well, I don't think he could've been more direct with him, he just had no idea how "becoming a 'man'" worked in the village and that it didn't come with age; had he known he wouldn't've made that promise, at least not per se.


It may be like the person doesn't know the meaning of the world fear. They may know what the definition is but not what it represents.

A man can change his stars


Or it may have had to do that Mimi didn't know those words in relation to a promise. You keep your promises in the tribe. There's no 'I'll do it later' or 'maybes' when it comes to promising. You just do it.
