IMDB rating....

I liked this film...I know it wasn't the best, but was it really worth a 4.3/10 rating? It wasn't THAT bad, I gave it an 8/10....

Candy mountain, candy mountain, you fill me with sweet, sugary goodness!!!



I gave it an 8 and I was surprise it got a 4.3 rating. I thought it was a good movie as well.

"Lalala Life is Fabbity Fab Fab!"


It's a 5/10 movie at best. Enjoyable as a kid.

"The simpler you say it, the more eloquent it is."


I like it better than the Santa Clause 3. Better than most things Tim Allen does.

the ellipsis was a stupid idea


I remember watching this as a kid and not finding it remotely funny except for a few scenes which were advertised before the movie came out. 4+ is prolly generous.


you were probably a giant nerd as a kid and pointed out all the errors you saw while reading your elementary chemistry book...


Watch The 'Detective Downs 2' Trailer



100% ack!!! i gave it 7/10 and also cant understand the low rating. fck regular voters ;)


messed up thats for sure


Yeah, this was one of my favourite childhood movies ever. I used to watch this all the time. 4.7 is way too low for sure.



I enjoyed it very much iffy619! Tim Allen is very funny and he had some great lines.

Don't concern yourself with the IMDB rating or what the people say who evaluate films like Roger Ebert who gave it one star. (I agree with him about 20% of the time but he writes very well). I'm in my seventies and I found out one big rule about life: Every film ever made and put on celluloid has one thing in common: People will say THAT'S THE BEST FILM EVER MADE or THAT'S THE WORSE FILM EVER MADE! Most will be somewhere in between. Remember: Opinions are like noses, everyone has one!

Sooooooo if you enjoyed the film "Don't worry what other people say", it worked for you and that's all that matters period!



Yeah, I like reading Roger Ebert reviews as well and most of the time I agree with him but on this one, I just have to disagree. Maybe it's nostalgia talking but this film, I loved watching when I was younger and I haven't seen it in a long time so maybe I should rewatch it again but am sure I would still love the film and laugh just like I did back in the day.

Glad you enjoyed the film as well



I saw it yesterday on CINEMAX.......Still enjoyable!


8 here



4.7 give me a break....that is ridiculous. There are tons of movies worse than this film that have much higher scores. It just doesn't make sense.

"Live every week like it's Shark Week."


This is still one of my favorite 90s movies! I definitely rate it 8 or 9 out of 10 as I still love it to this day!


I don't agree with the rating either. I liked this movie and would give it an 8/10. Imdb ratings are kind of dumb anyway. Most people I know like Kindergarten Cop but most people here think it's mediocre. I also like the Pagemaster which also gets a low rating.

"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld


i rated it a 7. i loved this movie as a kid and it just so happened to be on the other night.
I think people on IMDb need to realize that just b/c they don't like a movie, doesn't mean that it sucks. It's just not everyone's cup of tea. I'm sure if they watched it as a child, they would rate it higher. Look at Jumanji for instance. SO many movies out there that are unfairly rated :/


I think Leonard Maltin gave this a pretty solid review.


Deserve a 3,5 stars but i rate a 9/10 so the rating is higher ! it's at 5.0 now :)

Last Movies: - Transformers 4: 4/5
- Neighbors: 4/5
- Non-Stop: 4/5


This was on Film 4 here just seen it and gave it a 5 out of 10.


Its worth a 5.

Its that man again!!
