Why women love Chad...

Women love Chad (until he shows his true colors) because they love confidence in men. Women love a man that has power and confidence because (most women) want a man to be the leader in the relationship. This does not mean they want to be doormats, not at all. However, most women want to feel safe and secure in the arms of the man they love, and confident, powerful men give them this feeling in spades.

Women also, far more than men, believe that change can occur in human beings. Many women see men as "projects" that can be fun to undertake and rewarding to accomplish. In some cases, they are quite successful in undertaking these projects. For example, a woman may meet a man that is a "diamond in the rough". He's smart, funny, but a bit clueless and totally lost as it pertains to fashion. Some men, because they are lost in their studies or their job, don't pay a lot of attention to their looks and their wardrobe. When a woman finds this man, she sees the potential and she begins to work on him - changing his clothing, making him get his hair cut (and styled right) and making him get the damn wagon wheel coffee table out of his apartment (along with the Budweiser neon sign over the wet bar) [When Harry Met Sally folk will get the reference here]. In these cases, their work pays off, but unfortunately many women believe that they can extend this success to changing a man's basic NATURE... wrong. People (basically) do not change. Men may appear to change when they are in "courting" mode, but once the fish is hooked expect them to fall back into their old routine (whatever that is).

If a woman was able to "change" Chad, that would be the ultimate "get", the ultimate achievement. She would be such an AMAZING woman that the power of her awesomeness was able to change even a cad like Chad. This is why some women marry guys like Ted Bundy in prison... it's the ultimate "fixer-upper"! If a woman could "tame" Ted Bundy, that would make her the most awesome woman of all time. Many women love this type of thing, they love to think that they are so incredible they can make a "bad boy" mend his naughty ways. It's self-esteem thing. It works the other way too, for men getting the hottest woman is a self-esteem thing. It's just that women are more actualized humans and they value things beyond looks. Safety and security are tops on most women's lists, when they get over 21, and a guy that can provide that is very attractive. A guy like Chad is always going to bring home the bacon, and so he *seems* like a guy that can provide safety and security, but that is an illusion because he will never be faithful. However, a lot of women will persist in believing that they can "change" Chad, and that is why he will never run out of victims.

Howard, in my opinion, is less honest and more screwed up than Chad. Chad doesn't even realize how evil he is, and he's not even CAPABLE of real, decent human emotions, but Howard is. Howard is far less honest than Chad as it pertains to his OWN nature, the reality of his own personality. This happens to many men who are unable to woo a woman. They think being "nice" is the key, and certainly many women like "nice" men, if they are also confident. However, a man with no backbone, with no confidence, with no strength of character can be the nicest guy in the world, and he will never attract a woman. Being nice is great, if it's *one* of your personality traits, but if it's your *defining* personality trait, to the detriment of all others... forget it if you want to woo a woman. Women are just like men, they want to be with a desirable man because it makes them feel desirable. If a guy is completely undesirable then he can be the "nicest" guy of all time and it won't do him a bit of good. Men often complain that women don't like "nice" men. Wrong, women love a nice guy, if he is also confident and powerful. How many guys like "nice" women if they are ugly? Yeah, not many... so guys stop griping about women not liking nice men, it makes you sound like a hypocrite!

A blend of Howard and Chad would get women squirming (in a good way) every time, but it would have to be the right blend. He would have to have the looks, power and confidence of Chad and the ability to experience real human emotion like Howard. This man would NOT have the misogynistic tendencies of Chad or the begging, whining, clueless traits of Howard.

It is not hard to figure out what women want, it hasn't (basically) changed for thousands of years... power, confidence, good looks (don't hurt) and sincerity. Guys who use niceness exclusively as a attractant are no less dishonest than guys who use looks or money. Both types of men are using manipulation to get what they want and women (most of the time) can see right through that. Women are rarely fooled as Christine was, they know the score, but they doggedly believe in their own ability to "change" this bad boy. If a woman chooses Chad, at least she gets good looks, confidence and power from the guy. If a woman hooks up with Howard... what does she (really) get? Howard isn't really nice, he uses that as a weapon in the same way Chad uses his looks, confidence and power.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


"Confidence" is just doublespeak for a "A man with sufficient money/good looks to have confidence".

No woman on the planet has ever been attracted to a non-rich or non-physically attractive guy with "confidence" (they'd call "confident" behaviour cluelessness, arrogance, sleaziness etc. not "charm" like it is on a good looking guy).


I have no doubt that money attracts women, who will choose thoroughly repulsive men if they are either filthy rich or outrageously and foolishly generous with their own money. I had a coworker who stayed in a homeless shelter because he spent all his money on his fiancee- he relocated 1,200 miles away to be with close to her. After the wedding he continued to live in penury while giving her the funds to live as she wished. Her contempt and selfishness was such that she wouldn't even deign to live in the same city as he (he lived in Austin, she in San Antonio) until she lost her job and house- suddenly she could tolerate him enough to share a residence. He was not at all good looking but his relentless self abnegation and financial generosity sealed the deal.

As for good looks, I really don't think that opens doors for men, certainly not the way it does for women. The very concept of "beauty" is in our society, a feminine one. Most "heterosexual" women consider themselves and other women to be vastly more more attractive than any male. Even though males are far more likely than females to be described as "narcissistic" gender narcissism is rampant among women, who believe their sex is superior physically, aesthetically, intellectually and morally. Most women (especially when they think that men aren't listening) will openly state their belief that the male body is ugly, especially the penis. Ironically, many of these same women complain constantly about their lack of sexual satisfaction with men, when in fact the problem lies with the fact that they either have very low libido, or it is not directed toward males. Maybe the growing visibility of lesbianism (15% of college age women identify as lesbian or bisexual, as opposed to 6% of college age men identifying as gay or bisexual) will encourage them to pursue that avenue, although most of the lesbians I know would not tolerate the "what's mine is mine and what's ours is mine" attitude men have come to expect from women. The recessive attitude that one sees now from younger men, who often retreat into an adolescent world of low paying jobs, financial dependence on parents and internet porn as a substitute for real relationships is sad and pathetic, but it isn't surprising. A 20 something male in contemporary America has been wrung through an educational system that is designed to maximize the success and boost already inflated self esteem of girls, while treating boys as troublemakers, future rapists and beneficiaries of "male privilege". If the sexes were reversed (and if 90% of educators were male) no one would have any difficulty seeing the blatant sexism in all of this.


Good looks doesn't open doors for men?

You lost the argument right there.


I don't think so. I see women all the time with men who are rich but toad-like, or with old geezers (I suspect a lot of women who say they "love" old men really mean they hate sex, since the old men they choose are probably impotent). The other thing is that men how are good looking are usually described by women as "narcissistic" which is a label applied to any man who does more in terms of personal grooming than bathe, shave and brush his teeth daily. In contrast, the only women described as "narcissistic" have mirrors over their beds like Mae West, or a mansion cluttered with photos of themselves like Norma Desmond.


Well, don't think of "good looks" as just hollywood style good looks. Think of it as relative to the female as well.

Any time you have a couple where the male is significantly more physically attractive than the woman, the woman is almost guaranteed to be cheated on, possibly physically abused and generally treated like *beep* They put up with it though, because the status of having such a "catch" is worth it. It's better than "settling" for a guy at their own level.

In situations where the male is less attractive than the female, a huge financially disparity is normally involved.

So essentially the tradeoff is:

Good looking man, average woman - man get someone to cook, clean, raise his kids, while also getting to sleep with other more attractive women and use her as a door mat knowing she'll put up with anything they do.

Good looking woman, average man - man gets attractive female, woman gets financial security, material comforts

Now, neither are particularly wholesome relationships, and neither are a recipe for happiness or reciprocity. But you'd probably concede that the first scenario is probably the more toxic relationship.

Professionally, I think for women it can be a double edged sword. Certain types of "cushy" and decent paying jobs will be offered to them simply because they have looks (ie. secretaries) - part of this though remember is because it does put a nice "face" on the company. But beautiful women can often not be taken seriously for higher level jobs because of the assumption that female brains and beauty don't usually come in the same package.

I don't think men can land jobs as easily just because of their looks, but I don't think they have as much challenge in higher positions either.

I think the "narcissism" thing comes from the old fantasy of a woman who wants a good looking man who doesn't "know" he is good looking, or in other words, a guy who doesn't realise that he's too good for her. Guys who know they are too good for them are therefore "narcissistic jerks" for the horrible sin of not wanting them.


You still see at least ten ugly men with beautiful or average looking women for every average looking woman with a noticeably more more attractive man (I don't remember seeing any pairings of really ugly women with attractive men). At the same time, I've also never seen a woman waste any time with ugly man who wasn't rich or whom she didn't treat like a doormat. Despite what is said about the frailty of the male ego, I think the reverse is true. Women rarely take the initiative and ask men out because taking the initiative also involves inevitable rejection (women are also usually far less interested in men than men are in them, in heterosexual relationships). It would be very rare to find a man who would be the least bit bothered by having a woman considered far more attractive than he- the opposite is clearly the case among women. Even if it involved nothing more serious than stares and gossipy speculation, that would drive most women to distraction- they want to be the center of attraction, the man is merely a prop.


Thanks for that load of ignorance, Darkmoron.


The truth hurts, doesn't it, Hapsburg?


Only an insecure ignoramus would be so arrogant. Your posts have all been indicative of the fragile male ego that has been described in this thread. Go nurse your bruised balls, pussycat.



Good looks open doors for men AND women.


Interesting post.


Women only love Chad until they see behind that thin facade. Underneath there is a faux confidence and security. Truth be told no one is less secure and more cowardly than a psychopath. One thing that is consistent with psychos is that they can only compete with another person if their opponent is oblivious to the fact that they are even IN a competition. Not too difficult to "win" when you're the only one playing the game. People like this are no more intelligent than the rest of us. Most women see through the BS pretty quickly and leave. But dating is a numbers game and eventually Chad will find some broad with low self esteem, naïveté or one who just doesn't give a damn what he is and just wants sex. And as for chad being happy. Nope. He's just an empty miserable shell hence the constant need to destroy and take. He himself will never feel secure or confident. EVER.


Oh and one more thing. The public at large seems to be convinced that Psychopaths are more intelligent than the average person. Some Psychopaths believe the hype. In other words they aee themselves as an "evil genius" of sorts. This makes the Psychopath easy to fool and this will usually be their downfall.


If Chad is an evil genius, why doesn't he have a better job? Stewie Griffin is a lot closer to realizing his evil ambitions than Chad.


I've been out with men who are hot, confident, charming, funny and all that jazz then you realize what poisonous, waste-of-time losers they are and they're not so hot. Women love Chad till they see him for what he really is.


"I've been out with men who are hot, confident, charming, funny and all that jazz then you realize what poisonous, waste-of-time losers they are and they're not so hot. Women love Chad till they see him for what he really is."

In the real world, would Chad have had any success? He certainly had a cocky attitude (confidence) and could be superficially charming if he wished, but I think practically all women would see through him immediately, which is why Christine seemed so pathetically naive. As for him being "hot" I don't think women in general really like good looking men or find them sexually attractive ("vain" and "narcissistic" are terms they typically use to describe them) and since Chad wasn't a movie/rock star, CEO or scion of some fabulously rich family (the factors that might blind women to his obvious lack of character) most women would immediately dismiss him as a jerk.


I don't think they want men to be leaders in the relationship. They want men to be good providers.

And imo, good looks open all sorts of doors for both men and women.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


"I don't think they want men to be leaders in the relationship. They want men to be good providers."

Well, Chad had a white collar job, but it clearly wasn't paying six figures. I don't think his job or salary would have impressed women much (maybe enough to make him look good next to the cab driver or assistant-manager at Dairy Queen).

"And imo, good looks open all sorts of doors for both men and women."

I definitely disagree. There are negative prejudices against good-looking people of both sexes (the sexy blonde is also assumed to be shallow and unintelligent), but in the case of males the stereotypes are almost completely negative, except in the gay male subculture, which is irrelevant to this topic. I rarely hear women complementing men on their appearance in any way. They have actually done scientific studies of response to visual stimuli that show that "heterosexual" women are stimulated by the sight of women, but indifferent to men, no matter how good looking they might be considered to be. On the rare occasions when women acknowledge the physical attractiveness of a man, they'll invariably describe him as "vain" or "narcissistic" even if he does nothing that suggests posturing for attention- it's almost as if they're suggesting he should efface himself before appearing in public. They also are convinced that such men are more likely to cheat, which really doesn't make sense. Since women aren't attracted to men in a purely sexual way, being good looking would not confer an advantage to man seeking sexual favors from a woman. In contrast, being rich would, although that fact doesn't make wealthy men less attractive to women. I've never heard a woman say, "He's too rich for me- with all his money, he'll have women throwing themselves on him constantly."


Yes, women want a man to be the leader in their relationship (most women, that is). Perhaps though we have an issue with the definition of terms. When I say "leader" I mean a man that has purpose, goals, and is watching out for his family and guiding them through the vicissitudes of life that seek to destroy them. A woman wants a man who is confident, powerful, honest, faithful, compassionate and keeps his promises. A man like that just naturally takes the reins, because he's confident that he can lead well (and has a track record of doing so). What I am *not* saying is that the guy tells his partner what to do and is in "charge".

I'm not say that women cannot be leaders, but I think most women want a man who is a leader in their relationship. They want him to protect them, to be alert and watching out so they can feel safe and secure.

Think about it for a moment... a good provider is a leader, isn't he? He's a guy that was able to get an education (and excel at that). He's a guy that was able to go on interviews and shine above other candidates; something about him convinced the hiring personnel that he could get the job done and do it well - better than all the other people they interviewed. A good provider takes care of his family "providing" for them not just monetarily, but by meeting many other needs they have for love, guidance, protection, being a good example to his children, communicating well, honoring his commitments, inspiring and so on.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


The things that you list that make a man a leader can and are accomplished by women every single day. And women accrue their own power and money, they feel safe. Therefore it is not so much that men make women feel safe. It is the money that makes them feel safe.

Furthermore, I believe some women do want a man to be the leader in the relationship but I also feel that some men want a woman to take the lead. Not all men are take charge sort of guys and are more comfortable letting a woman take the lead because that is his personality. And that's ok. The problem is other men will put him down for this and say he's not a man.


I wonder if guys care more about what their peers think of them than what their mate does. I would think an adult male would care more about his partner's approval than his peer group's.
I care about what my husband thinks of me more than what other women do. I wonder if it's the same for men.


You're making some huge generalizations, OP. I'd like to know where you're getting the data to make such sweeping statements about interpersonal female behavior.

