Much as I enjoyed the sexy Kline grooving to the beat of that dance record, I had a feeling at the back of my mind that in a certain scene where he was bucking in and out to the music, a stunt double must have been used.
Otherwise, Kline has fabulous hips for a guy his age...
Yes, I was the Director of Photography on "In & Out" (also the infamous "The Stepford Wives" and "The Score" with Brando, De Niro & Norton) all directed by Frank Oz.
In the dancing scene with Kevin, we had choreographed the entire scene using many separate cuts but we could see it was frustrating Kevin. So I suggested that we try to do as much as we could in one take and just let Kevin go. I used a Technocrane (which is a crane that can telescope and be controlled by remote without having a camera operator sitting on the crane) and we just followed him wherever he went.
One take we followed his face and upper body, the other take we concentrated only on his feet and I think on a third take we tried a combination of both figuring that the editor could cut in whichever section worked. Before he went dancing all over the room, we shot closeups of his hips moving, etc. It was all Kevin...
"In & Out" was a tough film to work on but a lot of fun. It was tough because the film was supposed to take place in the summer in the midwest and we shot the whole thing in New York in October/November. So it was up to me & the art department to make it look like summer (while all the leaves were changing).
We shot all the exteriors first. When we lost the leaves on the trees we moved inside shot all the interiors. The church scene was filmed in the dead of winter (in a real church). There was 3 feet of snow on the ground and no sunlight. All the sunlight you see streaming in through the windows was fake. Same with the classroom scenes. The opening scene with Kevin and the kids was shot at night and it was snowing outside. I had to put scaffolding up and make my own sun.
Anyway, If you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer them. I loved doing the film and the cast was great. I thought Joan should have won the Oscar...
I hate to tell you BUT the whole film was NOT filmed in New York in October/November, but in New Jersey in early to mid September, before the leaves started to turn. In fact it was filmed in my hometown of Pompton Lakes, I was in the graduation scene in MY high school. The post office that was used is directly across the street and the location of Howard's bachelor party was at an old tavern in Riverdale(the next town over). The classroom scene was filmed in room 202 of PLHS! So tell everyone again how you are the one who shot this film? If it was in fact filmed in NY, then how come my father, who is on the PL board of ed has a director's chair with his name on the back and "In and Out" on the front and my ex boyfriend was in the scene outside by the school sign?
""In & Out" was a tough film to work on but a lot of fun. It was tough because the film was supposed to take place in the summer in the midwest and we shot the whole thing in New York in October/November. So it was up to me & the art department to make it look like summer (while all the leaves were changing).
We shot all the exteriors first. When we lost the leaves on the trees we moved inside shot all the interiors. The church scene was filmed in the dead of winter (in a real church). There was 3 feet of snow on the ground and no sunlight. All the sunlight you see streaming in through the windows was fake. Same with the classroom scenes. The opening scene with Kevin and the kids was shot at night and it was snowing outside. I had to put scaffolding up and make my own sun."
You're absolutely right. I really should have said the tri-state area. I remembered the exterior bar scene to be in New York state but I can't remember the town we were in. It was fairly remote. Also, the church (where the wedding took place) was in New York, Long Island I think. The school stuff, as you say, was in Pompton. The school stuff was in September but we shot a lot of stuff after, well into November.
We even re-shot some scenes and added the ending (where they all dance) in February of 1997.
So yes, I was the DP on In & Out. If you were there, then I photographed you. You remember that the graduation scene took 11 days to shoot. It was supposed to only take 3. Everybody was sick; I came down with the flu. I think we were shooting the scene in the principal's office (with Kevin & Bob Newhart) around Thanksgiving and that's when we all got sick (I'm remembering that it was Thanksgiving but maybe it was earlier). Also the auditorium was like a germ factory; it was so hot in there. That was the worst 11 days of the whole picture. I never thought we'd finish.
Although he was extremely good in the role as Howard Brackett, I think Kevin Kline is much much more sexy as Luc Tessier in "French Kiss" Howard is just too domesticated, while Luc is worldwise and scrappy. "What can I say? I am an esshole." Oh well, Au Dieu...
God in heaven, God above, be a God of truth and love
Yes, Kevin was wonderful in "French Kiss." Before I moved up to a DP on "In & Out," I was the Camera Operator on "French Kiss." Now _that_ was a great location picture: Cannes, Provence and Paris.
You know the vineyard in that film was fake. We put all that in. It was just an empty field...
No, we shot all of that in Provence, no sea nearby.
I agree about Kevin. I also worked on "I Love You to Death" and "Grand Canyon" with him. All different roles. He's great to work with too. He's so smart & funny and he really lightens the mood on the set...
The church and the lake were in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island - I know this because I grew up going to the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery and the Duck Pond behind the Hatchery - which is where the St Johns Episcopal Church is located. The downtown scenes were located in Northport, Long Island. I don't know about the school - it looks as if it might have been on Long Island, but that type of High School is found all over the country.
That's really cool! Besides the performances and the great writing, the thing that stuck out to me was the gorgeous lighting and photography. To hear the conditions in which you shot the film... wow. Beautiful job!
Mr. Rob, if you're still around I'd LOVE to hear about your experience(s) working on Troop Beverly Hills and The Addams Family!! I just stalked your IMDb credits and audibly gasped when I saw that you worked on TBH--probably my favorite movie of all time! And then of course working The Queen Anjelica Huston.